“The insult is likely a misspelling of the word ‘milquetoast,’ which is an adjective used to describe a feeble or meek person.”

Is there some chance that this walking embarrassment to the United States will be forced out of the political spotlight anytime soon?

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The gentleman shown here parading the Confederate flag through the U.S. Capitol has been ordered to report to prison to commence his three-year sentence.
He has no worries if Trump or DeSantis is elected because he (and many hundreds of others) will receive presidential pardons. Republicans have no problem with violent attempts to overthrow the U.S. government–if it means keeping one of theirs in power.
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It probably hasn’t dawned on his followers, but “leftism” is a set of values shared by the majority of Americans.  Abortion rights, environmental responsibility, the application of the rule of law to all, equal opportunity, quality education, separation of church and state, even universal healthcare–these are all supported by most of us.

Even if that were not the case, neither DeSantis nor anyone else can “destroy” these values.  Ask yourself is there is anything an American president could do to make you change your viewpoints on any of this stuff.

An anyone could have predicted, this is rhetoric aimed at the truly stupid.

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Namibia is one of the poorest countries on Earth, with 20% of its population living on less than $2.15 per day.

That’s why the sub-Sahara nation raised some eyebrows recently when it announced that it had signed an agreement to invest $10 billion into a plant that would create green hydrogen (generated by electrolyzing water with renewable energy) and export it to wealthier countries.

There is little doubt that Namibia has close-to-ideal resources in terms of solar irradiation and high-velocity wind, as well as plenty of inexpensive real estate.  There is even less doubt that the 15,000 jobs that the project would create would be a considerable boon to their economy.

Having said that, there is a considerable gap between a letter of intent and the execution of a 10-figure Cap-Ex project.

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If you had to reduce the U.S. Republican party platform down to a single idea, you might simply take the words in the meme here, and choke the very life out of them. GOP politics revolves around ridiculing anyone who is, even in the least, concerned about other people’s pain.


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Here’s another 2GreenEnergy post in which: it comes down to this….

Americans are at liberty to believe either a) that Donald Trump is a criminal conman who should be accountable for his crimes, or b) the entirety of federal law enforcement is corrupt, and dedicated to make sure that conservative values are destroyed in this country.

The right wing wasn’t too keen on defunding the police, but they love the idea of defunding the U.S. Justice Department.

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From The Guardian:

Predicting two terms in the White House should he defeat Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination next year, Ron DeSantis said he would go on to “destroy leftism in this country”.

“I will be able to destroy leftism in this country and leave woke ideology in the dustbin of history,” the Florida governor told Fox News.

DeSantis declared his long-expected run last week, in a glitch-filled appearance on Twitter with its owner, Elon Musk.

But how much appetite do American voters have for this?  And by “this,” I mean the black and white delineation between “leftists” and the rest of the country, and the elimination (whatever that means) of those of us with liberal (“woke”) values.

My take on this is that Americans are not too bright, but we’re not that stupid.  More than half of us (53.7%) have college degrees.  How many of them want to ban books and abortion, bake the planet, declare war on Disney, and the rest of this crap?

I guess we’ll see, but it sounds idiotic in the extreme.

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The modern era has a great deal to say for itself in terms of technology that continues to make our lives longer, healthier, easier, and more entertaining.

One struggles to name a single other facet of our times that’s worth having.  In particular, we have the worst group of world leaders since the 1930s–one that is pushing human civilization toward authoritarianism, perpetual war, racial hatred, and environmental collapse.


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This is what it’s come down to, America.

According to Trump, you’re either a supporter or a communist, working to overturn our once great country.

Note the use of the word “overturn.”  It’s from a page of the playbook that reads: Accuse the enemy of the very crimes you’ve committed.

In any case, we’ll soon see if the American electorate is stupid enough to accept all this.

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18th Century Scottish philosopher David Hume wrote, describing the way the human mind processes information and draws conclusions: “We always disbelieve the greater miracle.” I.e., given the choice between two options, we tend to believe the one that seems more likely.

I’m reminded of a meeting I had years ago with an older guy who was (or claimed to have been) part of the Houston-based NASA team that put the first man on the moon.  After a great deal of discussion about the physics at work, I eventually asked him if he was aware that there are people who believe the video “recording” of this event was shot in a studio in Hollywood.

“Of course I am. But I was actually there in Houston, in a room packed full with engineers like me, each of whom had spent years of our lives pulling this off. I still have boxes full of our calculations in my garage, if you’d like to come by some time.”  I politely declined the invitation.

OK, I’ve got to make a choice here.  I’m going with the engineer across the table from me and not some nut-job who also believes the Earth is flat.

Let’s look at the meme above which speaks to Hume’s statement directly.  Over the years, there are very few documented incidents of voter fraud.  In 2020, there were fewer than 475 potential instances out of more than 25 million votes cast (in swing states), a number that would not have come close to changing the outcome.

I believe that the reason for the absence of significant fraud lies in some combination of the following:

• The penalty for the crime is so much heavier than anything that can be gained by committing the crime.

• The United States has a centuries-long record of free and fair elections, because they are monitored by ordinary citizens who have no connection to one another and have nothing to gain by cheating.  In modern days, these monitors number in the hundreds of thousands.

• A conspiracy that would result in any significant amount of fraud would have to be orchestrated across many different states, across thousands of different people, who, if caught, would face the immediate end of their careers, and possibly prison time.

• Fox New just coughed up close to a billion dollars where a civil litigant (Dominion Voting Systems) proved that Fox deliberately lied to the American people that the election was rigged.

• Belief in this conspiracy would also have to take into account that judges in 60+ courts at the local, state, and federal levels would have had to have been involved. Are some judges corrupt?  Maybe.  Are 60 consecutive judges?

OK, let’s look at the other side.  It is conceivable that prospective voters going into the 2020 election could have been motivated by four years of Trump in office to want to remove him?  Is it possible that the political scientists who say that, at this point, greater voter turnout favors the Democrats?

More to the point, is it possible that Donald Trump, the man who sits at the center of all this, is a man of truth, and that his claim that the criminal prosecution against him has no basis in fact?

Before you weigh in, let me remind you that tens of millions of Americans believe that Trump is entirely innocent, that this is a “witch hunt,” and that the re-election of the former president is the only way to make our country great again.

Again, I’m with Hume.  But, having said that, in your mind, it’s entirely up to you.

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