Here’s an article in which experts predict a rise of violence on the part of right-wing extremists in front of the 2024 presidential campaign, due to the hard-core crazies’ belief that the woke left is ruining the country, in part by rigging elections in favor of the “radical left.”

I’m not convinced.  The entire country has seen that our law enforcement is more than willing to send the hateful morons who commit assault and battery to prison. These people may not be brilliant, but they’re smart enough to know that a few years behind bars will be quite an unpleasant experience.

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If I were trying to make a video that explains how the “woke left” is trying to overturn the Second Amendment, first thing I’d do is look up the spelling of “amendment.”

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I disagree with the author of the meme here.  The Republicans have two extremely clear plans/platforms:

1) Dismantle all aspects of government that provide any honest help to the common American and hand that windfall over, via massive tax cuts, to the richest 1%.

2) Strengthen all elements of government that help right-wing straight males stay in power, by punishing everyone else.

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Camus’ idea might have been based on that of Plato:  “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

Christopher Hitchens wrote something similar: “Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. The grave will supply plenty of time for silence.”

Regardless of who said it, we all have a duty to try to craft the world around us according to what we feel will make the best home for humankind.


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Here’s a quote from Bernie Sanders.

For a moment, think about what American politics would be like if our Congress were composed of 435 Bernies in the House and 100 in the Senate.

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Harry Truman’s statement here is another attempt to distinguish the two major U.S. political parties from one another.

Democrats are not angels, but at least they’re on the right side of the issues when it comes to working on behalf of the common American.

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Question: What is the number I have covered up here (approximately)?

Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

Relevance: The United States is unique in the world for many things, among which is that the slaughter of our children doesn’t matter to us in the least.

The concept that intelligent and decent people can come together and pass legislation to stop mass murder simply does not exist here.

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As previously mentioned, 2GreenEnergy makes its “headquarters” in a rural part of Central California.  Our town, Santa Ynez, has a distinctly “God and country” feel to it.

Here’s what’s on display at a neighbor’s place, sending a message that this Trump supporter will not comply with any laws that limit his “right” to own assault weapons. (more…)

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At first I thought this was a joke, but no, it isn’t.

Here’s a fine young idiot, running for the Republican presidential nomination, who bases his campaign on “radical new ideas.”

News flash: “radical” is the very last thing that GOP voters want; they hate the radical left, and its radical ideas associated with gun control, women’s rights, universal health care, quality education, climate change mitigation, etc.

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The United States isn’t the only country on the globe that has institutionalized corruption in its government, but we have, by far, the most severe case of it.

As political activist David Cobb (Green Party candidate for president in 2004) said during a talk I attended: “You name something you want for the good of the American people, and I can give you one single reason why it’s impossible.”

Cobb is a huge proponent of a constitutional amendment that would overturn Citizens United, the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision that granted corporations the right to make unlimited donations to political candidates, disemboweling our democracy.

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