The meme here reminds me of life in this small, God-and-country town in rural California. Here, we have entrepreneurs who promote themselves and their small business with a bit of political posturing. As an example, you’ll see a Joe’s Plumbing truck, carrying both Joe and his equipment, with a Trump sticker prominently displayed on its tail bumper.
This doesn’t seem too smart. Would I hire Joe to unplug my drain? Never. Why alienate a significant portion of your audience?
Now, if you have a gun shop, go for it. Trump supporters far outnumber progressives when it comes to weapons’ purchases.
While there are exceptions, older people tend to watch more right-wing garbage on television and vote Republican, where younger people tend to be strong on gun control (as suggested at left) and human rights of all kinds, and vote Democratic.
It is for this reason that, barring a miracle, the Republican party is going to have one hell of a hard time in the 2024 election. Instead of developing a platform that has broad appeal, it has been squirting to the right with cruel, inane, and extremely unpopular ideas like homophobia and banning abortion.
The GOP has abandoned the concept of “live and let live,” and, in response, American voters are increasingly abandoning the GOP.
Examples are all around us, take Florida governor Ron DeSantis and his war against Disney as one of the most glaring. Disney is an extremely highly regarded company that has been charming our children for nearly a century, while helping them learn the difference between right and wrong. By contrast, DeSantis, in his vicious attack against Disney has the approval rating of a clump of maggots on a dung heap.
I’d love to meet the people who are driving the Republicans into this miasma in which they currently find themselves. In all honesty, I have to thank them.
What Tucker Carlson says here is categorically incorrect, but he speaks to people who are ignorant of the fact that there are numerous types of speech that are not protected by the First Amendment: obscenity, defamation, fraud, incitement, fighting words, true threats, speech integral to criminal conduct, and child pornography.
According to my Fox News-loving mom: The radical left wants to loosen voter registration laws, allowing as many poor/undocumented people as possible into the country, so as to elect a president whose platform is built around government handouts. Once this process fully takes hold, there will never be another Republican president elected.
My view is that encouraging as many citizens as possible to vote, as is done in Europe and Scandinavia, is actually a good thing. Who has a problem with a government that reflects the will of the people?
We’re talking about a government that helps people escape poverty, keeps our environment clean, educates our young people, and ensures that no one dies of a treatable disease.
It’s vehemently opposed by our billionaires, but it is, to the degree that it can be effected, a boon to the common American.
Apparently, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich agrees.
The company looking for investors to build and market this new form of transportation (see left) points out a key driver of the product’s ultimate success: No Pilot’s License Needed.
I see a day when the air is filled with people flying these to work, to the grocery store, etc. These are people with no pilot’s license, no flight training, and no flight plans, simply buzzing along through the skies.
All this follows an announcement from an FAA spokesperson: “Regulation? Why? What are you going to do, regulate everything that flies? We don’t regulate bees, do we?”
Actually, wait a sec. Maybe this won’t really happen.
An infinitesimally small part of our culture in the United States is involved in taking care of those least able to take care of themselves. And what exists of it is being beaten out of the public sector, as an entire political party is desperate to dismantle as many government programs as it can get its cruel hands on.
“Justice Thomas is compromised,” says Massachusetts junior senator and consumer activist Edward Markey.
“Compromised” puts it mildly; as we’ve come to learn, he’s a career criminal.
There is one aspect to all this that has me a bit befuddled, though, and that is the Justices of the Supreme Court are somehow not bound to a particular code of ethics. OK, but aren’t they bound to the U.S. Criminal Code? To the code of the American Bar Association?
We have laws that make bribery a crime. Let’s simply use them to remove Clarence Thomas from the SCOTUS and send him to prison.
There are so many tragedies unfolding around us that stem from the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency in 2016. Many of these derive from the revelation that a huge swath of the American public is profoundly stupid, and, as such, are ripe targets to be fleeced by clever criminals who understand that “a fool and his money are soon parted,” at least according to Aesop.
From this: On Wednesday, Judge Analisa Torres of Federal District Court in Manhattan sentenced WeBuildTheWall founder Brian Kolfage to four years and three months in prison for pocketing donations that were made by gullible, hateful morons who trusted the organization to build a 2200-mile wall across the southern border of the U.S. His co-conspirator, Andrew Badolato, will be serving three years.
The fate of Steve Bannon, who also heavily involved, remains unclear. He was sentenced to four months in jail for contempt of Congress, but he remains free.