In addition to Trump’s being recognized, at last, as a career criminal, part of what has taken him down is his adoration of two of the most ruthless mass murderers we’ve seen over the past half-century: Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, both of whom he regards as “very smart.”

That they arrest and torture to death dissidents as a means to retain their power stands them both high in his esteem.

Who are we as a people?

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What does it mean when the President of the United States meets and congratulates Kyle Rittenhouse, a deranged young killer of sympathizers of the BLM movement?

At the very least, it takes a society that previously regarded itself as sane and decent, and stands it on its head.

We’re a shadow of our former selves.  If we’ll ever regain our former status as a land of honesty is anyone’s guess.

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As shown in this video, there is a radical faction of Christians who are desperate to refashion the government of the United States according to scripture.

This gentleman’s assertion that America is doomed to destruction if it does not start to obey the words of the Lord flies directly into the teeth of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, but that doesn’t seem to matter.

OK, so how much danger does this represent?  Had you asked me 10 years ago, I would have said “very little.”  But that was before the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the spread of prosperity Christianity, the war to preserve the “God-given right” enabling civilians to own weapons of war, the advent of Donald Trump as the only man capable of making America great again, and the gutting of the U.S. educational system.

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It’s hard to know if Trump’s unflagging attacks on his enemies are a) part of a deliberate, personal policy, b) a neurotic compulsion, or c) a combination of the two.

In any case, the good news is that this asinine behavior is not always shared by those in his orbit.

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What Anne Hathaway says here is spot-on.

How sad that the Republicans have found yet another community of people to hate.

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From a reader:
I’m from Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
I am a former Republican.
Basically, I was a Republican my whole life until about 2018 where I couldn’t accept being a Republican anymore.
The Republican party now is nothing like it used to be.
Now, to be a good Republican, you have to basically I agree with whatever Donald Trump says.
Not any specific philosophy or anything like that It’s just if you want to be a good Republican you have to agree with Donald Trump.
And that’s just not the way it should be.
Right now It’s just like a cult of personality.
And that’s just totally against the Republican party that I grew up with.
I agree, but I would add that it’s worse.
Trump will be gone soon, but the extremist right-wing views won’t.
Until there is a mass revolt within the GOP, it will remain stuck as the party that rejects science, bans books, terminates women’s rights, hates the LGBTQ community, promotes fossil fuel consumption, treats immigrants with wanton cruelty, continues to ravage public education, lowers taxes on billionaires, moves to end Social Security and Medicare, supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine, forces Christianity into our lives, and centers itself around white supremacy.
In sum, anything that helps the common American or promotes decency around the world must be destroyed.
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Ultra-right-wing whack-job “news” source Newsmax is conducting a survey (see left).

If someone were asking people to weigh in on: “Should Trump have been charged with 34 country of falsifying business records?” that may have been interesting.  But he’s clearly and provably guilty.

Should he run?  Who cares?  He’s generally detested, and his approval rating can only fall as he approaches conviction on a wide array of felonies.

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There are dozens, maybe hundreds of theories that seek to explain why there have been no verified stories of contact with extraterrestrials.

One is that they know exactly who we are, and have concluded that we offer them no value.  Or, as suggested at left, that they find us repulsive.

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Here’s a deeply moving video that seems to  be making the rounds.

The business world around us is bombarding us with messages 24 hours per day, on a relentless quest to tell us what we should be thinking, and, course, what we should be buying.

What to do about this?  Check out the video.

Here are two ways of saying essentially the same thing, that come from a pair of human history’s greatest minds.

As we work our way through the 21st Century, we’re running into the effects of the widening chasm between the amoral rich and the desperate poor: environmental collapse, the decay of our educational system, widespread corruption made possible by a two-tiered justice system, and authoritarianism.

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