The entire world is speculating as to which indictments against Trump are forthcoming, and in what order.

It appears that the Manhattan DA has, for whatever reason, decided to slow-roll his proceedings, perhaps to enable prosecutors in Georgia and those at the federal level to bring heavier and certainly “sexier” charges.

Special counsel Jack Smith’s charges, once brought, may be limited in scope, but they’re certainly going to prevail at trial. He’s fashioned his entire life’s work around removing the topmost level of international criminality from world civilization. He doesn’t make mistakes, and it’s hard to believe that he’ll somehow fail to take down this utter buffoon.

Yes, we’re all impatient, but if this takes some time to come to fruition, we’ll all just have to learn to live with it.

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From a reader: “By normalizing and laundering DeSantis, the mainstream news media is presenting neofascism and authoritarianism, and all of the human harm such policies have already and will cause to the American people on an even greater scale, as something palatable.”

Anyone who expects the media to do anything other than gleefully selling fabulous amounts of advertising based on the number of eyeballs focused on their so-called “journalism” must have slept through the last eight years, at the beginning of which the CEO of one of the mainstream television channels said, “Oh, Trump?  Of course he’s a disaster for the nation, but he’s just terrific for us.”

Money talks, and democracy walks–or in this case, runs.

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At left is an allegory I just came across.  Its point, obviously, is that it’s impossible to lead a good, satisfying life when one is surrounded by suffering.

It’s the reason I’m happy to pay the portion of my taxes that are directed to education.  I don’t have kids in the public school system, but don’t want to live around horrifically ignorant people, especially in a nation that is already hellbent on rejecting science, ruining the environment, white supremacy, political violence, banning books and abortion, and electing criminal conmen to lead us.


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I don’t know.  Why shouldn’t the votes of people in the Dakotas or Wyoming count three or four times more than ours do in California or Massachusetts?

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Here’s a company that is advertising heavily to attract investors, on the basis of their claim: Eli is a different kind of electric car.

Really? Different in what way?

It’s small, low speed, used for short distances, and follows a design that has been tried and failed dozens of times over the past 20 years.

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I actually recall seeing this in my local grocery store.  If you’re over 40 years old, you might too.

What a tragedy has befallen us.

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I wish I had a dollar for every conversation I’ve had in which I pointed out that “I think it’s a bit more complicated than that.”

IMO, a vital part of wokeness is the realization that the world around us is not black and white.

If you take a minute and examine any of the issues that plague us as a nation, you’ll see this very concept at play.

Here’s an example:  illegal immigration.   If you’re a Trump supporter, you may believe that the cause is that Biden is part of the “radical left” and has “opened our borders.”

If you’re able to actually think, however, you’re able to consider the socio-economic conditions that are causing this problem, what the United States can and cannot do vis-a-vis international law, what these people are doing once they get here, who in politics and Congress impedes our finding a solution, etc.

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There is no law that says we can’t plant trees in the most arid conditions on the planet, if we spend enough time and money to get seedlings safely in the ground and prevent them from perishing from dehydration under the heat of the sun.  Linked above is a system that promises to do precisely this.

According to these folks, for each infant tree to be planted, we need to a) dig a pit the volume of a few basketballs, b) insert a round piece of fabricated cardboard the size of a huge bundt cake pan (see screen shot), c) insert a device that blocks most incoming sunlight and protects against hungry birds, d) pour in 25 liters of water, e) place a cover on top to slow its evaporation of water, and f) hope, without evidence, that most of these trees take root.

Again, there is no rule preventing our doing this, if we don’t have a problem paying hundreds of dollars for each of the billions of new trees we’ll need to absorb the huge levels of CO2 we’re emitting.

Yet maybe we should think about this for a moment.  All that’s required to regrow forests, (“aforestation,” the opposite of “deforestation”) in every temperature zone other than the “frigid” and the “desert,” 80+% of the Earth’s land mass, is that we show some modest level of environmental responsibility.  Trees grow like weeds in these regions if we can simply stop our greediest corporations in their quest to ravage our planet in search of profit dollars.

The United States now has 4% of the trees that were here when the Europeans arrived.  The Amazon rainforest is losing the area of a championship golf course every 15 minutes.

It just needs to cease.

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There is very little that could be called an “American value” that hasn’t already been banned, or is on its way out, in Florida.

And DeSantis is popular beyond belief.  He could become the next U.S. president, taking his Nazi ideals on the road, visiting them upon the other 49 states.

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This guy has a point.

Donald Trump’s life, ever since he was a young man, has been one of exploiting others, taking advantage of people’s seemingly endless credulity.

Though I don’t recommend it, life as a serial predator works for some, maybe those with the wisdom not to cross the biggest, fattest line there is in the United States, i.e., committing treason.

At this point, Trump’s toast.

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