There is very little that could be called an “American value” that hasn’t already been banned, or is on its way out, in Florida.

And DeSantis is popular beyond belief.  He could become the next U.S. president, taking his Nazi ideals on the road, visiting them upon the other 49 states.

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This guy has a point.

Donald Trump’s life, ever since he was a young man, has been one of exploiting others, taking advantage of people’s seemingly endless credulity.

Though I don’t recommend it, life as a serial predator works for some, maybe those with the wisdom not to cross the biggest, fattest line there is in the United States, i.e., committing treason.

At this point, Trump’s toast.

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I know I’ve commented on this meme before, but I forgot to mention something important.

This woman’s students not only live in constant fear of corporal punishment, but they are also terrorized by the threat of eternal torture in hell if they are disobedient in this lifetime.

If I were king of the world, I’d make this garbage illegal.  Want to worship the Holy Trinity?  Fine.  Want to abuse children? Not in my kingdom.


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Early 20th Century Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset made this remark about “a stupidity that is in fashion,” implying that different elements of stupidity are fads, like bell-bottom jeans or (we hope) rap music.

And that does make sense, when we think about it.  What the United States is going through right now in terms of Trumpism, for instance, really can’t last forever.  The white supremacy, the rejection of science, the indifference to  the suffering of others, and the cult-like reverence for an orange-haired criminal conman–none of it is sustainable if the U.S. is to remain a prominent world power.


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Yesterday, a reader whom I know personally sent out a mass email featuring a video full of false and misleading information designed to show that renewable energy is actually worse for the environment than burning fossil fuels.  He prefaced the piece, “I can’t attest to the accuracy of this, but it is interesting.”

Yes, it’s “interesting,” but if you can’t attest to its accuracy, why on God’s green Earth would you distribute it?

This is complete anti-science propaganda, and Prager “University” is simply a hotbed of ultra-right-wing lies.

You’re a man of honor. I’ve always respected that about you.

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At left is a quote from a figure in one of the pop religions born in the 20th Century.

It may make sense on first inspection, but let’s think about it for a moment. Shouldn’t one’s ideals be subject to change as he matures and encounters new information?

Let’s take an example.

A former friend of my son believes in white supremacy, unlimited gun rights, that the pandemic was planned and put into place by the U.S. government, and dozens of other equally unsupported ideas. In his teen years, he dropped out of school. Wouldn’t it be nice if he were to wake up one day and jettison this entire line of thought?

Maybe he could recognize that signing up to be a lifelong moron wasn’t such a great idea. He could now join the ranks of people who can actually think.  Not such a bad bargain, is it?

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The point here is that Trump supporters are about to go down in abject failure.  I doubt it.

As my mom pointed out to me in our phone call last night, bringing criminal charges against him will usher in his martyrdom.

The United States has an incredible appetite for this type of hate and stupidity, and it’s not just going to vanish, regardless of what happens in Trump’s upcoming criminal prosecution.


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A local reader asks: Is there a place (around here) that sells men’s ties? Thanks in advance!

My response: You’ll do just fine at the thrift store (see logo at left). I alone recently donated at least 60 ties from the collection that I had amassed over my 30 years as a business consultant in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries. What’s the value in buying a brand new tie when so many, in perfect condition, are discarded every day, as fashion has changed?

If I wanted a fedora hat, I don’t think I would fly to London to find a hatter.  Would you?

If you can’t accept the idea of being seen at the thrift store, I understand.  Wear a disguise if you must.   Personally, if I can support an industry that provides value to low-income people and prevents the needless consumption of natural resources, I’m extremely proud to wear that mantle.

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One of the most disturbing trends in American society today is its newfound revulsion for people accused of being “woke,” a synonym for caring, well educated, and respectful.

I recall Matt Gaetz’s interrogation of Mark Milley (see memo and photo) during which he accused the general of being woke, thus endangering all Americans by way of his “feminization” of the armed forces.  This was then echoed by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

Milley, a man of intelligence and honor, not to mention respect for rule of law, elected not to offer to beat either of these two trust fund babies into a pulp.

U.S. Army Gen. Mark A. Milley

I’m not sure this is going to work, Matt.  If the FBI comes for Trump, assisted as necessary by 1.1 million members of the U.S. military with their $850 billion annual budget, I’m not sure that Ron DeSantis is going to be able to hold them off very long.

That’s presuming this presidential hopeful wants to commit an array of felonies.

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