Sorry, but I completely disagree with the author of the meme here.

Trump hasn’t even begun to use stupidity, violence, and criminality against his country.  Watch what happens when he’s indicted on charges of seditious conspiracy or treason.

A few years from now, a measly six-figure violation of campaign finance law will be totally forgotten.  Stormy Who?


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Interesting thought here, but is it true?

I grant that politicians, generally, are in love with the power, which makes them terrible leaders.  So, if it were possible, from what profession would you choose a person to lead a country, knowing nothing about them than their vocation?

I’m going with philosophy professor.


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From a reader:

Connecticut’s largest lake (Candlewood Lake) is really a 100-year-old hydroelectric facility. Water is pumped from the Housatonic River through a gigantic tube and into the lake, where the water is stored until it’s needed to generate electricity. Then, the water is released through the same pipe, cascading 230 feet downhill (Niagara Falls is 188 feet), powering two generators based under the brick Rocky River Hydro Generating Station. When it opened in the 1920s, it was the first time that humans had pumped so much water up such a high elevation. The 11-mile-long lake stretches from **Danbury ** to Sherman. Hear the unbelievable story behind the building of the lake on the next episode of Amazing Tales from Off and On Connecticut’s Beaten Path.

Thanks for this.  Pumped hydro represents more than 95% of the energy storage we have online at this moment, though it will gradually give way to batteries.

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It looks like Alex Jones is transferring large amounts of cash to his family and friends in order to avoid paying the Sandy Hook Elementary School victims the $1.5 billion a judge and jury ordered him to fork over.

I recall the words that a bankruptcy judge told an old friend of mine: “If I find that you’ve hidden a dime from this court, you’re going to jail.”

Doesn’t bode well for one of the world’s most despicable human beings.

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It’s a good thing that the United States has a military that is strong enough to deter foreign aggression, because we really are a divided nation.

And, in terms of division, it’s likely to get worse before it gets better.  That’s because Trump, who still commands the loyalty of tens of millions of hateful American morons, is about to get indicted, probably for an array of felonies he committed before, during, and after his term as U.S. president.

Trump himself is calling for his followers to “protest,” and we can only wait and see what form that takes.

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One of the most universal characteristics of American society is its divisiveness.   Half of us are rooting for Ukraine, but the other is hoping that the Russian invasion will prevail.

Another issue that divides us is guns.  There are approximately equal numbers of us who think that we need to follow along with what other advanced nations have done in implementing gun control to save lives, and we have folks who believe they have God-given rights to own weapons of war.


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At this point it appears that General McCaffrey’s concern as expressed here, that Trump could make this “once-great country as twisted, hateful, and small as he is,” will not be realized.

Few Americans believe that we’re on the right track, but even fewer are so pessimistic as to think that Trumpism will be regarded by history as anything but a serious but short-lived stain on who we are as a nation.



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The image here conjures thoughts about cosmic justice, karma, call it what you will.  Unfortunately, it’s just as likely that a progressive could have wound up in that same position.

Well, not entirely.  Florida has more of these issues than any other state, and most decent people have already left that part of the country in favor of a less racist and authoritarian environment.

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Re: the meme here, George Boje writes: How can we stop them? Idiots still watch Tucker and vote for McCarthy.

You have a point. We can only hope that, as the facts come out, that most Americans will come to understand that Trump committed a wide array of felonies, including the attempted overthrow of the U.S. government.

At that point, there will be widespread agreement that he must be punished, because the only alternative is admitting to ourselves and the world that the United States has abandoned rule of law as its guiding principle and has become an authoritarian state.



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Re: the meme here, I have to say that I have trouble believing this actually happened, i.e., at a doctor’s office.

On the other hand, it’s not an uncommon sight in places like auto repair shops, hardware stores, and the like.  I recall telling my local pipe supply shop that I’d drive halfway around the state, if that’s what it took to deal with a company that didn’t assault its customers like this.

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