Where this will go is anyone’s guess.  Arresting and convicting one of the world’s most powerful people, further complicated by the fact that neither Russia nor Ukraine are among the 123 members of the ICC.

The ICC accuses Putin of the war crime of illegally deporting hundreds of children from Ukraine, but also at issue are instances of rape, torture, and the execution of innocent civilians.

On the other side of the globe, there is an entire political party that is rooting for Russia in its invasion.

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Over the years at 2GreenEnergy, I’m sure I’ve evaluated, at least at a cursory level, more than 500 business plans whose authors proposed concepts that would invoke some area within the realm of clean tech and create a profit stream from it.

One I’ll never forget was “Fertile Grounds,” a plan to collect used coffee grounds from the local Starbucks (et al.) coffee shops and process them into fertilizer.  While I thought the name was extremely clever, that’s where my respect for the idea ended.  I was very close to 100% confident that the cost of a driver, a car, fuel to collect the grounds, and then the energy used to dry, process, and bag the grounds, followed by sales and distribution was going to turn out to be a losing proposition.

I feel the same way about the concept expressed in the meme here.  Gathering and processing avocado pits does not seem to be a scalable way to manufacture disposable cutlery.

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The meme here came from a (semiliterate) reader.  But independent of his use of the language, I can’t believe he’s right.

DeSantis is a terrible human being, but he doesn’t strike me as an idiot.  He can see what’s happened to every single person who’s ever gotten involved with Trump.

And that was before a torrent of criminal indictments rained down on this professional conman. Does it seem likely that DeSantis wants to be vice president in an administration where the president is hauled away in handcuffs and tried for treason?


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The meme here reminds us that swastikas and other racist symbology were once uniformly despised in the United States, and that many members of the Greatest Generation gave their lives to prevent the spread of fascism in World War II.


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I received a request to “support Vivek Ramaswamy for President, help fight wokeness culture.”  Lol.  I’ll get right on that.

I long for the days when the dichotomy between the Democrats and Republicans actually made sense.  The GOP used to mean things like small government and personal accountability.  But had you asked Barry Goldwater if his party was fighting against the idea of having a compassionate awareness of the needs of other human beings, he would have laughed in your face.

What sort of monster objects to kindness and decency?  I guess that’s what we’re learning.


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This fellow makes a good point, but isn’t there a limit?  Given that were all endowed at birth with a huge brain and an enormous capacity for compassion and kindness, how is it possible that half of the United States has come to think that wokeness is a disease and that Donald Trump is the rightful president?

Many of the world’s wealthiest people are profiting from enterprises like Big Oil, knowing with full certainty that they are dooming this planet and everyone living on it to a future of extreme environmental degradation.  How is this possible?


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Here’s a reminder that life today, with all its moral and financial challenges, is actually pretty good, catapulted as it is by IT, communications, and healthcare technology.

On top of that, we may be right around the corner from expelling Trump from our lives, getting a grip on climate change and other environmental catastrophes, routing Russia out of Ukraine, etc.





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He could have been a man of compassion, a humanitarian, a savior to millions of starving children, the spearhead of climate change mitigation.

It’s hard to imagine a bigger moral catastrophe.



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At left is the opinion of op-ed columnist for The New York Times Charles Blow, and he’s nailed it.

There is no doubt that violence will ensue as a result, but the alternative is far worse, i.e., abandoning rule of law just because some strong man will incite riots if he faces criminal charges.



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If you happen to live next to a year-round fast-flowing river, there’s no reason you can’t do what this guy did: buy a water wheel, connect it to a generator, and power your house.

Will this be cost-effective?  I doubt it, especially when maintenance is taken into consideration.


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