Nature, whatever we mean by that word, is inanimate. It’s the summation of the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology. It doesn’t ask or want anything.
If humankind succeeds in degrading the life-supporting qualities of this planet, the only loser will be ourselves.
Senior energy analyst Glenn Doty takes this one step further: he resents the entire concept of “Mother Nature.” He says the idea that there is a benign, animated force, especially a maternal one with a caring and nurturing personality that is actively working to bring us back from the precipice of global destruction provides justification for our gross selfishness and stupidity.
Below is an internal memo from chief of the U.S. Capitol Police to the officers themselves.
There is no limit past which Fox “News” won’t sink in tarnishing the reputation of brave public servants so as to continue its torrent of lies to its audience.
In their predictable fashion, Republicans are trying to pretend that the Insurrection never happened, or that it was peaceful and uneventful.
If that’s how these dishonest cowards want to play this going into their primaries, there’s nothing anyone can do to stop them.
But if they think they can lie their way to victory in the general election, they’re badly mistaken. The majority of the country cares very deeply about justice, rule of law, and the preservation of American democracy.
That’s 192 violent rioters who attacked the Capitol, injured police, etc., sitting behind bars. The right to peacefully assemble is enshrined in the Constitution. Bashing law enforcement with flag poles is not.
I’m sure this is a complicated matter in which there are several contributing factors. Here are a few points of speculation on my part:
• Perhaps a minor issue but one worth mentioning: American culture is far more focused on money as the definitive measure of success than it’s ever been before. The pay, especially for enlisted personnel, is poor. You’ll make more at Walmart, who just raised its base employees’ pay from $12 to $14.
• The GOP wants to stop supporting Ukraine against a clearly illegal invasion from a neighboring autocratic regime. Many young people coming from rural America where perhaps traditional values mean more than they do elsewhere, are thinking: These people have no moral standards. At best, they are cowards. I was raised to be a person of honor. I didn’t graduate at the top of my class, and I’m not going to medical or law school, but no one can tell me that I’m not an ethical human being, and that I should join ranks with criminals who are rooting for a war criminal to take over a democracy, while arresting, torturing, and executing innocent people.
• They may also think about practical matters. If Putin prevails in Ukraine, he’ll be in the Baltics and/or Poland before I make corporal. He’ll have a head of steam, and I’ll die fighting a war that my country, if it weren’t run by corrupt traitors, would have cut off long before it started.”
Would-be recruits understand that almost half the nation, i.e., the Republican party, is as likely as not to win the presidency in 2024. We could even have Trump again, in which case, many of them would just as soon be a part of the Mafia or the KGB. They’d certainly rather be framing houses or tending bar than working for peanuts for a re-instated traitor to undermine what’s left of world democracy.
Our military has served us well for almost 250 years. Maybe it’s time to start honoring, and stop abusing, these loyal young Americans, who live by the values for which our nation formerly stood.
I was one of many hundreds of people in our little town in Central California who protested the murder of George Floyd in May of 2020. In fact, there were Black Lives Matter supporters all around the world who spoke as one, to the effect that civilized society will not tolerate extra-judicial killing by those who are provided guns and given the responsibility to keep people safe.
One might think the killing of unarmed black people is so totally indefensible that the American people would unite and demand that this cease, but no, today’s Republicans are banning all school books that would inform our young people blacks are often treated more aggressively than white people in comparable situations.
It would be easy to read this comment from Marcus Aurelius and conclude that it applies to QAnoners and other Trump supporters. In fairness, however, I don’t think the average Trumper knowingly “continues in self-deception and ignorance.”
Rather, I believe that these people are simply of below average intelligence whose brains are wired to make them more likely to interpret the world around them as frightening and hostile. This causes them to seek out and latch onto “news” sources that are nothing more than a stream of lies designed to keep their hateful audience members tuned in.