We’re a Disgusting Herd of Swine
If you’re looking for a good indicator of where we are as a nation, here’s a dad having his kids make an obscene gesture in front of a “F**K BIDEN” sign.
If you’re looking for a good indicator of where we are as a nation, here’s a dad having his kids make an obscene gesture in front of a “F**K BIDEN” sign.
The author of the meme here has a point, but younger people have to do more than exist; they have to vote.
Having said that, time really is working against the fascists. As old people pass on, voter demographics increasingly reject the lies, the racism, and the stupidity required to support Trump and DeSantis.
Re: the meme here, senior energy analyst Glenn Doty writes: Not only did they admit that they lied to you… They literally MOCKED the stupidity of the people who would believe such utterly outlandish and transparent lies when talking to one another, and then turned around and lied to you.
There is so much going wrong in our world today, yet the unravelling of Fox News is a shining star. If this source of hateful bull**** can be defanged, there is a chance that the United States can begin to heal itself and rejoin the civilized world.
Here’s a chilling story about our leaders’ inability to understand even our most recent history as a nation:
For much of Joe Biden’s presidency, a variety of Republicans have pointed to fentanyl seizures at the U.S./Mexico border as proof of lax security measures. That’s never made any sense — the claims are inherently self-defeating — but an amazing number of GOP officials have spent the last couple of years pushing the line. (more…)
Through the years, I’ve often taken a moment on March 1st to commemorate the birthday, in this case the 213th, of Frédéric Chopin. He’s loved universally for his musical works, mostly for solo piano, for their unique rhythms and nuanced, lyrical melodies.
There’s one principal reason that his life and works are relevant to the blog here at 2GreenEnergy: As a child prodigy, he had frustrated every one of the piano teachers in greater Warsaw, with one saying, “His technique goes against all known principles. He’s talented, but we must band together in correcting him.” Fortunately, for him and for all of us, one of those other teachers replied, “I hope you understand that, at age nine, young Chopin plays far better than any of us. Maybe it’s a good idea to stop correcting him and simply starting to listen and learn.”
Indeed. Maybe it’s a good idea to stop correcting human history’s great souls, and start respecting their genius. Speaking strictly for myself, I’m more interested in the teachings of the Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, and Gandhi than I am in those of Trump, DeSantis, and Elon Musk.
This seems to be targeted at the MAGA crowd–people who have no understanding of, nor interest in, what’s going on in the rest of the world, and have an unlimited appetite for the lie that the woke, radical left is coming for their guns, and the rest of their liberties while they’re at it.
I suppose it depends on whom you ask.
If you’re a mean, white “Christian” who loves guns and hates women and the First Amendment, you have a true friend in DeSantis.
If you’re a “GOP insider,” of course you’re hoping that Trump will drop dead of a heart attack.
The problem for the rest of the United States is that this would leave our country in a position of never correcting the mistake it made in electing a sociopathic wanna-be dictator who tried his damndest to overthrow the federal government.
The story of Trump will have an ending, yet it’s anything but clear what it will be.
It’s looking like there are no facts that will convince his supporters that they’ve been lied to.
They say there are always two sides to every story.
I suppose that’s true, if you believe that pure evil has a place in human civilization and that war crimes should be tolerated, or even encouraged.