As much as I’d like to see strict gun control laws here in the U.S., driving down the stats on gun-related massacres is probably a more complicated issue.

In particular, Canada (and most of the rest of the world) has a culture where other people actually matter.

The rugged individualism that many Americans feel as the core of our society has, when coupled with hate and ignorance that is being programmed into us by the right-wing, “anti-woke” media, morphed us into a nation where we’re far more concerned about our own “rights being taken away” than we are about the rights of our kids to grow up without their bodies being riddled with bullets.


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If the United States is going to elect a president with extreme right-wing values, it might as well be Nikki Haley, who appears not to have all the same criminal sociopathic characteristics as Donald Trump.

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I don’t want to be part of  such a world either, but at some level, it’s forced upon us.

If you had wanted to bet me 10 years ago, that by 2023, almost half of American voters would favor a party that makes fun of caring and decent people, you would have gotten some very long odds from me.

Of all the aspects of the anti-woke GOP that I find most nauseating, one of which is the prohibition against teaching our kids about systemic racism.  In fact, I would submit, as others have as well, that forbidding teachers from exposing children to the idea of systemic racism is the best proof that systemic racism is an extremely powerful force in our lives.


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I have not checked out the authenticity of this meme, but I hope it’s real.

FWIW, I have noticed that there are bloggers hired by the Fortune 500 to make points similar to this one.

To whomever wrote this:  Well played. 

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Yes, but keep in mind that Twain’s memorable quote applies to people of self-respect, not to fresh human garbage who succeed by preying off rotting human garbage.

That the GOP has brought the U.S. Congress to this level must never be forgotten.

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Here’s a conversation on the Chinese spy balloon.  Readers, can you help me understand this?
Reader #1:  China could collect valuable information that could not be detected by satellites. For example, spying from within the earth’s atmosphere might offer more exact resolution. Perhaps heat detection of certain buildings might permit reliable data on the number of inhabitants. Or there may be other information available at the balloon’s level and speed of which laypeople like us have no knowledge. It seem ridiculous to believe that China would launch that thing as a symbol or strategic move.
Reader #2: A government satellite has some pretty good resolution that isn’t really going to get any better from a conspicuous balloon floating by and the number of inhabitants of a building at a random moment of time as guesstimated from heat signatures isn’t really all that valuable compared to just pointing a satellite at the location and just observing who goes in and out of it. Also, satellites already have infrared capabilities.
Me: So, is there any way we as common Americans can learn what actually happened here? As someone who knows essentially nothing about the subject, I’ll accept the idea that a balloon at 60K feet isn’t going to provide much more precise information than a satellite, regardless of what it’s looking for specifically. So what was it doing there?
What did Xi Jinping reply when Biden/our Pentagon asked him that?
What did he say when we told him we were going to shoot it down?
Is there some reason we can’t have answers here?
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There are dozens of ways that atheists articulate their positions, as just as believers assert theirs.

Though I’m energized by all of these, I have to say that I’m particularly impressed with this guy’s idea, as it’s one that I’ve held from the time I was a very young kid.  The concept that a loving God who could easily send me, because of I found no evidence to believe in Him, to an eternity of torture, is a concept that only an idiot could accept.


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Most of us have seen this before, but we need to ask ourselves:

Why do we think it’s any different today?

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Trump and his family picked this country clean, and the damage is far from contained.

Among other things, he’s started a war within the Republican party to see who can be the most ruthless, hateful bastard of a human being.

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From ABC News: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott calls diversity efforts ‘illegal,’ tells state agencies to stop. Diversity efforts in hiring “proactively encourage discrimination,” a memo said.

Hiring policies that attempt to build racial diversity are looked upon highly by those of us who would like to live in a more just, fair, and inclusive country.  Conversely, this concept has always been an object of hatred of those in the south, who liked their home better when it was part of the Confederacy.

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