Hiring policies that attempt to build racial diversity are looked upon highly by those of us who would like to live in a more just, fair, and inclusive country. Conversely, this concept has always been an object of hatred of those in the south, who liked their home better when it was part of the Confederacy.
You need a Microlino – right? I say no… if you care not about your body. But someday, we might have little choice…
Little choice? You mean the radical left commies are going to force us all to drive cars the size of upright pianos?
Does that seem likely in a world where international corporations, and their corrupt influences in our lawmaking, determine our future?
Something I notice about the pic here, that perhaps the reader missed: it’s an artist’s rendering. The car itself doesn’t even exist, and probably never will.
Here’s an excerpt from the thank-you letter I just received from the oft-mentioned charitable organization I support in Venezuela, call the Turimiquire Foundation. I thought readers would be interested in what these folks are accomplishing down there.
An astounding 96+ cents on every dollar donated translates into direct action on behalf of those most in need.
Thank you for your generosity! We are excited to share with you below some of the accomplishments that your contribution helped to make possible….
“When your education limits your imagination, it’s called indoctrination.”
Of course, but why on Earth does education reduce one’s imagination? Having a better understanding of how the world works should enhance one’s creative capacities.
This is the typical sour grapes messaging that we see so frequently from the anti-intellectual crowd.
I saw a “reject socialism” bumper sticker on a pickup truck yesterday. And directly under the piece at left on Facebook is the meme below.
This, of course, is hopeless. It’s easier to talk about political issues with a dog than it is with the people who don’t understand, or even want to understand, the issues surrounding socialism.
When I come across an animated video for a little and unattractive “car of the future,” I normally conclude: “Well of course it’s animated, because nothing even remotely close to this will ever actually be built, because it will have close to zero consumer demand.”
Yet, if you watch the video below, and the others like it, all asserting to prospective investors that their concept is just around the corner from achieving world dominance, you may think that your ship has come in.
It’s hard to determine Ron DeSantis’ true motives. He knows that he has broad appeal with uneducated people who have no compassion whatsoever for the billions of non-white, non-Christians around the globe, and whose numbers, we’re now learning, are huge. And he’s ridden a rocket ride accordingly, threatening to become America’s 47th president.
We were not aware of this before Trump was elected in 2016.
When I came across the meme here, I had my usual response: Is DeSantis in any way different from bazillionaire televangelists like Joel Osteen, aggressively moving the assets of his dumb-as-f*** parishioners to his own bank account?
Is he any worse? Any better? If you have no integrity, there’s nothing preventing you from using people’s lack of intelligence against them. There is, to be sure , a sucker born every minute. And as long as that’s true, there will always be a Donald Trump or a Ron DeSantis waiting to pluck them like so many chickens.
Are you suggesting she has any moments that aren’t ugly? Being ugly is her brand; it’s the only thing that makes her appealing to the hateful morons in a rural part of Georgia.
I laughed out loud when I saw this. Apparently, there are people stupid enough to turn to Tucker Carlson for financial advice and insights into the economy.
I happen to have an extremely wealthy friend who runs a hedge fund, and once told me, “I’ve never met anyone who made money from precious metals,” and then immediately corrected himself: “I’ve never met any intelligent person who made money from precious metals.” Obviously, there are idiots who think they are savvy investors in this space, and some of them get lucky.