What Pete Seeger said here was undoubtedly true during his day, i.e., the last quarter of the 20th Century, when conservatives had defensible values.

As a progressive, I didn’t agree with those values, but I enjoyed worthwhile discussions with intelligent individuals on the rightful role of government in our lives, equal rights for all, the legitimacy of the military-industrial complex, the regulation of free trade and the use of subsidies, trade-off between and the use of America’s strength in protecting our financial interests at the expense of the world’s people.

Now, most “conservatives” can’t spell “military-industrial complex.”  Today’s issues are banning abortion, rejecting climate science, locking up Dr. Fauci, covering up the actual source of the January 6th insurrection, and protecting George Santos’ seat in congress.  I’d rather have a root-canal operation than a protracted conversation on any of these subjects.

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The meme here is funny, and people who profit from spreading hatred are disgusting human beings.

That said, there is nothing unique, or even rare about Rush Limbaugh.  He’s one of an uncountable number of the brigade of the nasty media whores who came into prominence over the last 30 years, since +/- the dawn of Fox News in the 1990s, whose stock in trade is making hateful, gullible fools that much more mean and stupid.

If Limbaugh deserves to burn in hell, so do dozens of the other similar hate-monger harlots, not to mention the majority of Republicans in the U.S. Congress.

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If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration re: loving our planet, this may be for you.

It’s a reminder that achieving a sustainable civilization is worth the effort required.

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In his early campaigning leading up to the 2024 presidential election, Trump calls for certifying ‘patriotic’ teachers, and cutting funds to schools teaching CRT.

Obviously, this has legs among today’s extreme right-wing, as it speaks to a stark differentiation from the “radical left.”

Having come from a Quaker school, I have to laugh when I think of how any of my teachers would have reacted to being restricted as to how or what they taught.  Approaching education with political blinders on was the very last thing that our school (Penn Charter in Philadelphia) would consider.

In fact, though my parents were distinctly conservative, they somehow knew that trusting a 300-year-old academic institution to do the right thing was a solid idea.

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The poem here seems timely in our world, doesn’t it?

If our civilization is to survive, it will because there are plenty of folks who, whether natively or by way of being taught, are willing to “be the ones.”

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From this: Donald Trump, a billionaire, is fighting NY Attorney General Letitia James over a measly $110K check (msn.com)

Anything to stay in the news, especially if it avoids humiliation.

Fortunately, U.S. voters have completely lost their appetitive for this vile pettiness.

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These folks write:
What is democratic socialism exactly? Are countries like Denmark and Sweden positive models of this type of economy? How would the COVID-19 pandemic have looked under such an economic system?
I love things like this, written for people too stupid to understand that Denmark, Sweden, and the other 20-or-so of the world’s most advanced countries that offer their citizens universal healthcare and free college education actually did have to deal with COVID-19.
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Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder discusses the news announced by President Biden that the U.S. and allies are sending tanks to Ukraine to aid its fight against Vladimir Putin’s army.

I’ve been anti-war since I was a small boy.  So strange to find myself wanting to arm the Ukrainians so as to boot the Russian aggressors out of their country.

I suppose my feeling are rooted in damage minimization. Letting Putin slaughter countless innocent people is not an option here.

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I wouldn’t let Ben Carson’s thoughts on education anywhere near my kids.

If your kids go to public schools, I’m sure you feel the same.  Check this out.

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It’s always interesting to see how the gun lobby tries to avert the obvious conclusion that the proliferation of guns causes school shootings.

This meme comparing Canada to the U.S. is a good one.

Then there is the specious argument that gun violence is the result of our failure to teach Christianity in schools.  Japan: no Christianity, virtually no gun deaths.

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