The U.S. at a Crossroads
The United States finds itself in terrible trouble in its effort to become a nation of honesty and decency, as one of its two major political parties has taken itself to an extremely dark place.
The United States finds itself in terrible trouble in its effort to become a nation of honesty and decency, as one of its two major political parties has taken itself to an extremely dark place.
I have a great deal of respect for those who stay involved in the cause of gun reform, just as I do those who battle for quality education, universal healthcare, and climate change mitigation.
And it’s because of that respect that I hesitated to publish the meme here; it’s powerful, but it conveys a kind of hopelessness that, sadly, I’m sure many Americans feel.
In truth, the path to gun reform, just like anything else that the “other 99%” want, is removal of corruption from our lawmaking processes.
There is a reason I never seriously considered teaching my dog to speak English or play the violin, and it’s represented in the meme here.
Seriously, speaking bull**** is this woman’s brand, like the Dallas Cowboys are “America’s Team.” She has no more interest in learning how this country actually works than she has in going to medical school.
Being “woke” is another name for showing empathy towards others.
As Tolstoy said, it’s an integral part of a human being.
There is no way to answer the question posed here. My personal suspicion is that most of the far-right personalities in American politics are insincere, and are simply catering to a constituency full of hateful imbeciles.
A reader asks, How can the Republicans bill themselves as the party of freedom when all they do is take things away from people? Voting, books, abortion rights, Social Security, Medicare, saying ‘gay,” teaching history.
As far as I can see, the only answer is that they appeal to angry and selfish white people, whose sense of the word “freedom” does not go any further than their own interests.
I’m reminded of a wonderful bumper sticker: “FOX NEWS: We make you mean and stupid.”
Sorry, I’m lost here.
Is there a contingent of working Americans who are paying into Social Security but don’t care if they’re paid back when they retire? Are there retirees who would like to see their incomes fall, who prefer to live on diets of ramen and cat food?
I know there are fantastically stupid people out there, but really?
I’ve speculated previously that it’s close to impossible for an uprising of any real significance to crop up in the United States in which armed Trump supporters take to the streets and do any real damage in response to the criminal prosecution of their leader.
The only way this could go wrong is if a large number of law enforcement and military personnel are actually Trumpers themselves, which, as we see at left, is not impossible to image.
Keep in mind that facts don’t matter to these people; the fact that each of 60+ different courts saw no evidence of a rigged election does nothing whatsoever to shatter the Big Lie in these folks’ minds.