There is no reason that the statement here can’t be true.
It’s quite possible that humankind will, as one, realize that the forces of oppression all around us are unacceptable and demand solutions to environmental collapse, social injustice, and massive, high-level corruption, as seen in the United States, that militates toward fascism.
As we’ve all seen to our horror, congressional Republicans will do or say anything, regardless of how blatantly dishonest, in order to stay in office–and allegiance to Donald Trump is still very much a part of this miasma.
One hopes that the alignment of the GOP with respect to prosecuting Trump makes no difference whatsoever in the Justice Department’s decision to indict the former president on insurrection, obstruction, defrauding the U.S, and perhaps half a dozen other felonies.
The tale at left is a reminder that we live in a world where kindness is “trending,” to use the popular term. This became apparent, to me at least, with the imperative to commit “random acts of kindness” concept of perhaps 20 years ago.
Kindness is a profoundly important ingredient in a time in human history in which stories of hate and selfishness tend to make the headlines.
Anyone struggling to find hope for our future should take solace in the fact that intelligent and kind folks outnumber mean and stupid people by a huge margin.
Further, the “mean and stupid” contingent in our society is under great legal pressure and are in the process of finding themselves destitute. Take Alex Jones and Fox News, not to mention Donald Trump and his associates.
If you can relate to the meme here, and you’re willing to “surrender to the mystery,” you’ll love the composition of American singer-songwriter Iris Dement, below.
If there is a common theme here, it’s that the world’s people begin to think as one in terms of achieving sustainability for all life forms on our home planet.
I don’t know about you, but I go back and forth on stuff like this…and I don’t use words like “imaginal.”
From her bio:
Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and co-founder of WholeWorld-View. Having grown up as the daughter of a coal miner in the north of England, she has since journeyed to more than eighty countries around the world and for the last twenty -five years has lived in the sacred landscape of Avebury. She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood and worked with the wisdom keepers both incarnate and discarnate of many traditions. Jude integrates leading edge science, research into consciousness and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view.
I’m not so sure on the “leading edge science.”
From here, what this civilization seems to be facing is not one crisis, but a series of crises. I think I’d be happier to confront our issues, rather than be told we’re experiencing a “metamorphosis.”
The fact that Trump avoided paying taxes using every means legal should surprise no one; it’s a tactic available to everyone, and the wealthier one is, the more latitude one has to play these tricks.
To most observers, however, there is criminality here, in the form of placing a corrupt IRS commissioner who agreed not to perform his duty re: auditing each tax return of a sitting president.
If, on top of this, you add corporate control of the media that Americans are force-fed, you have 98+% of the U.S. electorate that are truly powerless to control their financial condition, let alone reproductive rights, etc.
We have the illusion of choice, but beneath that, there is no real substance whatsoever.
This from British scientist and conservationist Charlie Gardner. It really is astonishing how little humankind is doing to prevent environmental collapse and other forms of societal decay.
An important factor at play here is that the vast majority of the world’s people live under great financial duress. Whether that means the poor or the working-class, stressed-out people don’t have resources to become activists, and organize against a societal structure that is in the process of driving us into extinction, or at best, a hellish existence.
As 20th Century American author Upton Sinclair wrote, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
The response to all this from the top 1% is truly appalling: We have no interest whatsoever in making changes to a system that is making us even richer by the day, regardless of the irreparable damage that our current life modalities are having on this planet.