Obviously, I’m thrilled that Boebert’s “2nd Amendment Cafe” failed. My only other comment is advice to people who brand their businesses in such a way as to alienate huge percentages of their potential customers. Don’t.
If you’re not a MAGA idiot, do you want to have a beer in a place surrounded by hateful, heavily armed morons? I understand that Boebert’s district in Western Colorado is one of the most poorly educated areas in the nation, but this was nonetheless a bad decision.
In case there is a single person on Earth to whom this comes as news, we in the United States are having a terrible problem with political actors from the Republican party who, when they lose an election, claim that the voting was somehow rigged against them.
At left is Kari Lake, would-be U.S. Senator from the state of Arizona, pictured here after a judge threw out her lawsuit attempting to overturn her election loss.
Check out that look! Only in America.
I’m sure she would have made an excellent lawmaker. If she weren’t completely insane, that is.
FWIW, I signed it, even though I can’t imagine it will be successful, insofar as these traitors have not been tried and convicted, which, of course, they should be.
Unfortunately, Clarence and Ginni Thomas, two of the most corrupt people in U.S. politics, are completely off the radar screen when it comes to criminal prosecution.
That they both are working to re-instate the traitor Donald Trump as the U.S. president is a concern to virtually no one.
I listened to a recent interview in which anthropologist Jane Goodall laid out the three reasons for her overall optimism with respect to environmental recovery: the development of relevant technology, the inherent resilience of natural systems, and, above all, the fierce commitment of young people to protecting our ecosystems.
The fact that Fox News personalities, Sean Hannity among them, have turned out to be “shameless liars” surprises no one outside of the cable channel’s cult following.
There is, however, deep significance to the testimony that Sean Hannity gave under oath, when it occurred to him that fibbing here would constitute perjury, which could send him to prison. Thus, for once, he told the truth, in this case that he “did not believe (the Big Lie) for one second.”
The significance of this testimony lies in the fact that, unlike dozens of other clearly false claims that Fox has forwarded over the years, this one was slander, the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.
Moreover, when Dominion Voting Systems, whom Hannity had accused in front of millions of television viewers of illegally rigging their machines to make Biden win over Trump, Dominion filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News.
Now it’s true that Fox News has never lost a case of this form, where they routinely and successfully claim that despite the word “News” in its name, it cannot be held liable for lying, because its viewers understand that the content of its shows are entirely fictional, a form of entertainment, and that anyone with the intelligence of a jellyfish realizes that. Again, as outrageous as it may seem, judges and juries have consistently ruled in Fox News’ favor.
Yet, here we have a case where a huge company has been defamed, along with its thousands of employees all over the world. Here the page from Dominion’s website that answers the question: What is it like to work (here)? Something I noticed was missing: Unless we win our suit against Fox News, you will be regarded as scum.
When you’re banning books, abortion, and vaccinations, all the while making asylum seekers’ lives ever more miserable and telling teachers what they can and cannot say in the classrooms, your very last goddamn concern should be daylight savings time.
Put another way, setting back your clocks an hour doesn’t mean too much when you’ve set your calendars back 75 years.
From the text of an ad offering this coin shown at left:
Dear friends,
Do you want to show your support for Donald Trump and his vision for America? Then you need to get your hands on one of our limited edition commemorative coins.
These coins are a beautiful way to show your support for President Trump, and they make a great collectible for any fan.
Plus, a portion of the proceeds from each coin goes towards supporting the President.
Get your commemorative coin today, and join us in supporting President Trump. Together, we can make America great again.
One wonders how, if at all, this constant barrage of attempts to fleece his voter base will change when Trump is indicted, tried, convicted and imprisoned. For all we know, it may continued unabated. “Now that Donald Trump is facing a life sentence in federal prison, he needs your support now more than ever before. Here’s a line of t-shirts whose sale will fund the campaign to free him, while prosecuting the real criminal, Hunter Biden (or Hillary Clinton or Anthony Fauci).”