When 2GreenEnergy was launched in 2009, one of its most important claims was the one Pete Buttigieg makes here, i.e., that a nation’s commitment to cleantech is perhaps the single most determining point to its future economic prosperity.

Of course, we can elect a Republican administration that pretends to believe that climate change is a hoax, or, equally stupid, get behind “I believe in U.S. oil from U.S. soil,” but most people understand that decarbonizing our energy and transportation sectors is both necessary to humankind’s survival and vital to U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace.

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When my childhood friends came to learn that I’d become an author of materials of environmental sustainability, they sometimes asked for my opinions on climate change.  I explain that because climate change is a science, it’s inappropriate to apply the term “opinion” or “belief” to the subject.  We have opinions on things like politics, art, sports figures, justice, literature, and philosophy–but not chemistry, physics, or math.

When someone says that he doesn’t believe in AGW (anthropogenic global warming, aka climate change), all he’s really saying is that he doesn’t understand the science.  And that’s fine; there are huge swaths of science that lie far outside my knowledge base.  But we need to keep in mind that one of the good things about science, as Neil deGrasse Tyson likes to say, is that “it’s true whether you believe in it or not.”


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I had to laugh when I saw this.

“This is not controversial??

I would say that it is controversial if it’s deemed so by those who read it.

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Anyone who wishes to see an organized human civilization survive the next 50 years needs to hope that the GOP agenda embodied in Project 2025 loses at the polls on November 5th.

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I’m reminded of the cartoon in which a corporate CEO is looking out of his conference room window and sees the entire city and surrounding countryside in flames.  He tells his people, “We have to monetize this.”

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In a post yesterday, I quoted a boyhood friend who claims that Kamala Harris has no career accomplishments, and thus is not qualified to be president.  Her resume summary at left speaks to that.


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Two friends from my youth are interacting on Facebook.  One posted the meme at left and the other wrote: So true! Kamala never WON any election and yet, she could be our next President. So sad.

I’m struggling to understand this.  Had Trump himself been elected to public office before he ran for president?  I thought he was a reality TV show star, the owner of a sham university that was ordered to pay restitution to the thousands of students it had ripped off, and a crooked charity administrator whom the State of New York banned from the non-profit world for his criminality, before he became a presidential candidate.

To have never been voted into public office isn’t unusual; that was the case with Washington, Taylor, Grant, and Eisenhower.  These were all military men, but did that make Ike Eisenhower unqualified to be president?

Kamala Harris had zero accomplishments?  Wasn’t she a federal prosecutor?

Not sure about the quality of the thinking here, but I suppose I could be missing something important.

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Henry Price writes:  I don’t get it. I’m a veteran and no one anywhere has ever asked me to apologize for it. Who’s asking? Where? This veteran wants to know!

Henry:’ Don’t worry about it.   This meme was made purely to inspire anger in extremely stupid Americans. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them.


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I can’t comment on the meaning behind Trump’s new outfit, only to say that he has already cultivated 100% of the white supremacist vote, and there is nothing he could possibly do to lose a single ballot from the constituency that could be called “the hateful morons.”

You’ve got them all, sir.  Every one.  Todos, alles, tout.


There are many mysteries floating around in American politics surrounding Trump’s popularity.  Some people theorize that somehow, Trump has given us permission to be our worst selves, and that this holds an unimaginable amount of appeal to almost exactly half of U.S. voters.

That would explain the chart below, which presents the fact that our country’s top military leaders have, to a person, gone on record stating that Trump is a terrible human being and an active danger to our nation.

Half of us simply don’t care about any of this; we’re not looking for intelligence, honor, or virtue of any kind.  Give us white supremacy and carnage at the southern border, and we’re happy campers.

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