Here’s a concept for a new design in wind turbines.  Contrary to what readers may have come to expect when they read that first sentence, this appears to make sense.

The idea is based on the fact that, although today’s three-blade turbines are highly efficient, they do not function in extremely strong winds, and are hard to build in enormous size. These folks at the University of Virginia have engineered a two-blade system that bends in high wind conditions, rather like the tallest pines trees.  Thus far, their demos have performed very nicely.

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I don’t know the first thing about these people, other then that they perceive a need among conservatives to look for “news” that goes beyond the stolen election, Joe Biden’s latest senior moment, and the contents of his son’s laptop.

That’s probably a good thing.

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One of the most salient features of American life today is our relentless outreach to find new levels of stupid.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says that if she had been in charge of the January 6th insurrection, “we would have won.”  Other than hanging Mike Pence, it’s not exactly clear what that means.

This just in: comedian Dave Chappelle thought that it would be a good idea to introduce his live audience of tens of thousands of intelligent progressives to Elon Musk, the multi-billionaire whose purpose is to restore Donald Trump to our political discourse, so as to make him the next U.S. president.

The chorus of boos was both lengthy (four minutes) and deafening.  Now who could have seen that coming?

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The maps of the Netherlands here remind us of the triumph of science and technology.  We are savages in many respects, but our “big brains” have enabled us to do great things.

Our problem lies in the fact that most of our developments have nothing to do with improving our lives.  We have better weapons of war, less nutritious food, degraded entertainment, social media that hastens the spread of misinformation, more “news” channels that are carefully calculated to divide us, and bigger, faster tractors to destroy our rain forests.

A humanistic approach would be a welcome change.

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This fellow’s beliefs, as presented here, were accepted by the majority of intellectuals at the turn of the 20th Century.  Marx and Engels, drawing on Hegel, had forwarded the idea of the dialectic, which, in political terms, means the never-ending clashing between socio-economic classes, which enable workers to force concessions from the rich.  Concurrently, we had the anarchists, those who believed that all valid government springs up spontaneously to deal with ad hoc events, and then evaporates.

Though you can still find people with ideas like these as we make our way through the 21st Century, they are considered radicals.

These are concepts that are built around the notion of interpersonal cooperation, which is not the way the vast majority of our modern civilization functions. Our lives today are governed largely by the broad principles of economics, especially now that the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that corporations have the same right to free speech under the First Amendment as people do.  Thus we have our lawmakers doing the bidding of business entities that are worth many millions of times that of the average voter.

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I actually hadn’t considered this.

I’m not sure it’s as much ego as it’s his motivation not to die in federal prison.

In any case, keep in mind that Trump needs to maintain the fiction that the 2020 election was rigged.  So what happens when he’s running as an independent against some centrist Democrat (Biden?) and a strong Republican, and he winds up with 7% of the popular vote?

“I was destroyed by the radical left and the mainstream RINOs, both of which have always hated me, even though I did everything I did to keep America first.”

That may sound kind of stupid, even to the hateful morons who still adore him.

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As we see at left, Trump will never let go of the Big Lie, and will continue to push the myth that the entire justice system of the U.S. has been “weaponized” against him.

Keep in mind that, each day, some unknowable number of American voters come to realize that they were conned, diminishing his base accordingly.

One gets the feeling, however, that nothing, not even indictments, trials, convictions, and a lengthy prison sentence can derail the Trump Express.


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Most people find it hard to believe that they live among folks who are so unprincipled that they are willing to inflict great harm on others, simply because they get fabulously rich whatever process is at stake, whether that’s selling cigarettes or incinerating the planet.

We may or may not prove successful in phasing out fossil fuels.  But if we are, it will be due to some combination of market forces, government regulation, and public awareness and concern.  It will have nothing whatsoever to do with any form of conscience on the part of Big Oil.

If that doesn’t make you angry, I don’t know what to tell you.

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I love the sentiment here, but this is not an accurate depiction of the situation in which humankind finds itself.  In particular, there never was a time at which we considered ourselves brothers and sisters, etc.

Recently, the theory of anthropology that explains how our opposable thumbs catapulted our species forward changed from:

We were able to scoop out the protein-rich foodstuffs from shellfish and the like, thus increasing the size of our brains and ultimately enabling our dominance over the lower creatures, to:

We were the only species that was able to grasp clubs and spears, so as to murder one another.

In fact, many of our scientists believe that humankind is in an evolutionary cul-de-sac, where we find ourselves with too much technology, too little education, and too much hate and fear coursing in the chemistry of our “big brains.”

Perhaps this is a cynical viewpoint, but keep in mind that, nearly one quarter through the 21st Century, almost half of the people living in the most advanced country on Earth believe that Donald Trump was sent from God to make America great again.  I have to admit: that could be a death knell.



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I mentioned this tweet by Sean Spicer when I came across it on December 7th, and I pointed out that he has confused Dday in 1944 with Pearl Harbor Day in 1941.

I just saw this again and realized that he doesn’t seem to know what the word infamy means.  Maybe someone will give him a dictionary for Christmas.

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