Below is a Christmas cartoon from 1974.  To me, what makes it worth mentioning is that 50 years ago, most Americans could have recited this passage from H.D. Thoreau from memory, where today, just half a century into the great “dumbing down,” most of us have at best a vague idea as to who he even was.

And so here we are.  Trump wants to throw out the Constitution?  Seems like a good idea to me…..

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I cringe when I hear someone say that Trump is an idiot.

Yes, we hear the former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson say, “He’s a “f***ing moron,” and any of the dozens of similar epithets thrown at him by the people most closely connected to him, but it seems clear that the former president’s major mental defect is not stupidity, but the inability to see what’s good for him for more than an hour or two into the future.

And here we have the latest scandal: entertaining people at Mar-a-Lago whose views are directly antithetical to the vast majority of Americans.

About dining with “Ye” and Nick Fuentes, he must have had a thought: “these people are celebrities, and they like me, and I desperately want to surround myself with folks like this.”  Of course they like you, and of course they make you feel good, but these peoples’ values are repulsive to most of the U.S. electorate, and thus, this tactic is a solid loser.

An even stronger case could be made about Trump’s call to abandon the Constitution.  Even the imbeciles who form his base understand that “free speech” and “the right to bear arms” lie at the very core of the United States.

Perhaps what I’m saying is that where he falls down is in math.  His narcissism cuts him off from the concept that he is despised by a huge majority of U.S. voters, a group that’s growing larger by the hour.

And the stakes couldn’t be higher.  We’re not talking about failing to get the 2024  GOP nomination; we’re talking about dying in federal prison.

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Nowadays one never knows when the “party of law and order” is going to show the world how completely insincere it is, here, by showing no support of the police who protected them during the January 6th insurrection.

Whatever is required to keep Donald Trump in office, including supporting his committing treason, is just fine with Republicans, at least insofar as the party is currently constituted.

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My wife is decorating our Christmas tree in advance of a party we’re hosting tomorrow evening.  My job is putting on music of the season to keep her in the mood as she picks out the ornaments and arranges them to her pleasure.

Not too difficult a task, with many boxes of balls and lights collected over a period of almost three decades, reminding us of our two now-grown children and all those beautiful memories.

And it’s especially poignant, considered in the context of the meme here.

The blessing of Christmas is, in its essence, taking care of one another.

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It hasn’t been a good couple of years for felons who identify as Republican.

In particular, they’re loading up our prisons.

OMG, does this guy look the part, or what?

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A reader reports: I ordered six weeks ago still nothing still nothing – paid for still nothing – regretting my order.

Another: I got nothing, not even an email.

The sheer volume of cash plucked from gullible Trump supporters is hard to fathom. They’re the perfect prey for grifters, including, of course, the King of the Grift himself.

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If you’ll pardon this woman’s French, she actually makes a good point.

The Republicans are the party of hate, and that’s about it.  But while this is quite appealing to many uneducated Americans, at least today, there simply aren’t enough of them to make this a winning platform on a national basis.

What gets you elected in Oklahoma, e.g., white supremacy or forcing a 10-year-old rape victim to carry her fetus to term, is not going to win country-wide.

One has to think that, with Trump out of the way, most likely via incarceration, the GOP will rethink its strategy and figure out a way to add actual value to voters’ lives, other than the thrill that hateful morons derive from watching pain being inflicted on everyone except straight white males.

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From Emily Post: Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what fork you use.

As we see at left, there is no chance whatsoever that Lauren Boebert will be credibly accused of being woke, or of having good manners.

One of the more revolting aspects of life in present-day America is our penchant for electing slobs to Congress.

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The Internet is beating up poor Sean Spicer (first press secretary under Donald Trump) because he doesn’t know the difference between Dday (June 6, 1944) and Pearl Harbor Day (December 7, 1941).

Chillax. He wasn’t put in place because of his intelligence, nor for his understanding of U.S. history.

Trump’s campaign to jettison the U.S. Constitution would have been soundly rejected if he had been surrounded by people who had the vaguest notion of what he was suggesting.


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The Mackinac Center for Public Policy asks:  Want to combat the “science” your child is taught at school? Sign up now to receive a free digital copy of A Parent’s Guide to Countering Green Ideologies!  They offer the hole in the ozone layer as an example of green propaganda.

The hole in the ozone is very small at this point, but not via an act of God, or some natural cycle, but because atmospheric scientists in the late 20th Century were able to pinpoint the cause of the hole (CFCs).  These are any of a class of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, typically gases used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants.

Humankind successfully replaced these chemicals with other formulations, and the problem was solved in a matter of a decade or two.

I’ve signed up to receive periodic updates from the Mackinac Center, as I’m interested to know how it (and other right-wing organizations like it) are working to invalidate science, and ultimately remove it from our schools.  I’ll keep you posted.


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