IMO, Ron DeSantis is even worse, ideologically, than Trump himself; his only point of superiority to the former president is that he’s apparently not a criminal sociopath.

But here we can see that all the fascist vitriol on Earth will not stand up to an independent judiciary.

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Donald Trump eagerly swore to uphold the oath at left …. until he needed to flush the Constitution down the toilet.

One would have hoped that such a blatantly treasonous act would have earned him the immediate censure of all Americans, and, especially, every man and woman in congress.


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The people who are expecting present-day Republicans to act with honesty and intelligence are probably also inclined to teach their dogs to play the violin; it’s simply a waste of time and energy.

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What the meme here says is largely true, but as a practical matter, there is no way to get there from here.  Most of the people who are willing to remove meat from their diets (for whatever reason) have already done so, and the entire enterprise has an extremely powerful lobby.

We can hope, however that:

The plant-based and lab-grown meat industry comes along quickly with better and less expensive replacements for slaughtered animals, and

World governments, especially those who control vast rainforests, e.g., Brazil, do the right thing and protect these vulnerable ecosystems.

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Even in the unlikely event that Trump is not criminally charged in the next few months, it’s perfectly clear that he is unelectable as the next U.S. president.

Given that, it would be nice if congressional Republicans would come together and say that abandoning the Constitution is not an acceptable course for the United States to take.

It’s ironic that Trump’s base of hateful morons has spent the last six years railing about the importance of free speech and, of course, the right to bear arms–and now stands behind a would-be dictator’s wish to set aside the document on which all our freedoms depend.

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My response:

These are two different assertions.  Of course workers have the right to strike, just as corporations have a right to squeeze their employees.  This push-and-pull is intrinsic to a capitalist, free market, economy. (more…)

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Let’s be clear.  His job isn’t supporting the will of the American people; it’s supporting the will of the people of West Virginia, most of whom are categorically opposed to things like expanding Medicare, child care, climate change mitigation, raising taxes on billionaires, etc.

He’s a turd, but he was elected handily, by more than 3%.

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Americans live in the only country in the developed world that allows people with treatable diseases to die, simply because they can’t afford healthcare.

This should make every single one of us extremely angry.

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Well, we certainly have some options open to us, and I suppose one is that we agree, based on no evidence whatsoever, that massive voter fraud cost Trump the 2020 presidential election, and that the only rational solution is to suspend all our laws and rules, even the U.S. Constitution.

Before you laugh, realize that about 40% of the American electorate think this is a terrific idea.  They think Biden is turning us into Venezuela, and abandoning the Constitution is a dandy idea.

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Trump will be indicted.

The Justice Department will issue a series of PSAs to the effect that any violence will be met with the full force of law enforcement, assisted as necessary by the U.S. military.

Christian and his white terrorist buddies will ignore this and take to the streets with their AR-15s.

Mayhem, albeit short-lived, will ensue.

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