Re: the meme here, energy analyst Robert Rapier asks, “Is she really this dumb?”
I doubt it. My guess is that she knows with great certainty that her voters are as dumb as rocks, and she’s simply giving them what they’re asking for.
There is a great deal of truth here, but the disinformation campaigns would have been dismissed with a round jeer if we didn’t have so many “ignorant yokels.”
This, from Isaac Asimov in 1980:
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
We can most definitely have a discussion on the topic, but I’m not sure how far that’s going to take us, especially insofar as everyone is free to spend his money as he sees fit.
We do need a wealth tax, but the obstacle there is that people and corporations with billions of dollars in net worth control our law-making processes, and placing a tax on themselves isn’t an appealing concept.
The MAGA crowd is not motivated by anything that will improve their lives, but they revel in the knowledge that everyone in the country other than wealthy white males is being harmed by the U.S. government.
I suppose, at the core of the life of any career criminal, lies lack of judgement.
The decision to adopt a multi-pronged plan to overthrow the U.S. federal government was an especially poor choice, as the former president is about to learn.
Ideologically, DeSantis probably is worse than Trump.
That said, there is no indication that DeSantis would commit treason to maintain power. Ultra-right MAGA politics are a scourge for everyone who isn’t a rich white male, but at least it doesn’t mean the end of American democracy.
I would be surprised to learn that there is a single vegan on this planet who bases his practice on the belief that nature is intrinsically non-violent.
American society is anything but a loving place, and proof of this is essentially everywhere we look. Most obvious is the bigotry and hate we see in the white nationalists, but keep in mind that our entire culture is built upon competition, where we profit from the misery of others.
Regarding nature specifically, we seem to be indifferent. We don’t go out of our way to degrade the environment, but we have grave reservations about putting into place regulations to protect it.
Sustainability means the practice of meeting our needs as a civilization without preventing future generations to meet theirs. Humankind has a near zero commitment to that ideal.
November 8 2016, as Trump won the Electoral College, the World Meteorological Organization delivered data to the International Conference on Climate Change:
– The [prior] five years – 2011 through 2015 were the hottest on record. Global average sea-surface temperatures for 2015 were also the highest on record, with 2014 in second place.
– Averaged over 2011-2015, the mean Arctic sea-ice extent in September was 28% below the 1981-2010 average.
– Northern hemisphere snow cover was well below average in all five years.
Trump promises: a rapid rise in fossil fuel use, including coal; the dismantling of the EPA and environmental laws (selecting notorious climate disruption denier, Myron Ebell, to head the EPA transition); and a refusal to assist developing nations who are seeking to move to sustainable energy.
Trump’s top energy adviser, billionaire oil exec Harold Hamm, announced his expectations: tax breaks for the industry and the dismantling of regulations.
Thanks for this. Trump was (and continues to be) such a catastrophe in terms of his massive array of felonies, including his attempt to overthrow the government, that we tend to overlook how disastrous he was for the environment.
Traditional engines are inefficient, heavy, and expensive. That’s why we made a better one.
Introducing the X Engine: LiquidPiston’s compact, ultra-efficient, and power-dense engine that runs on our patented thermodynamic cycle.
Our groundbreaking innovation is on track to disrupt a $400 billion industry. Buy shares in LiquidPiston today.
I am not in a position to comment on their “patented thermodynamic cycle,” because they’re not making that public.
What I can you tell, however, is that the overall efficiency of charging and discharging batteries through an electric motor is north of 90%, so the concept of a viable new engine that uses pistons of any type seems impossible.