A good measure of the speed at which this country has descended is its seemingly limitless hunger for lies.  Voter fraud, the climate hoax, the ineffectiveness of masks and vaccinations, it’s all the same.

Truth has ceased to matter, and, at that point, the application of reason and rational discussion becomes impossible.

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The cartoon stands as a reminder that, in the course of my years on this planet, I’ve watched unbridled capitalism morph from:

“Let us ignore the needs of others”


“Let us actively harm the well-being of others.”

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We live in a time where the most powerful country on Earth is teetering on the edge of losing its democracy, and the richest person on the planet is pushing it off the cliff with all his might.

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Of the main monotheistic (Abrahamic) religions, Judaism is, IMO, the most benign, for the reason presented at left.  It’s certainly the least convoluted; there is no Holy Trinity, for instance.  It also requires the least acceptance of bizarre, and in some cases anti-humanistic tenets.  No one is going to burn in hell for eternity because he was accidentally born in the wrong part of the world.

Having said that, if you’re tracking with the Rabbi here, what actually separates the atheist from the Jew?  What precisely is the value in believing in God?


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Like so many other phenomena that govern the warming of our planet, the CO2 released into the atmosphere from arctic wildfires dried out the peat on the forest floor, increasing the probability and severity of future fires.

Great article from Science Magazine linked above.

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I’d like to believe that this is the way “news” outlets like Fox, OAN, and Newsmax will someday come to be regarded, but I doubt it.

Fox is constantly walking back its claims about the insurrection.  For a while, it was instigated by Antifa, but that evaporated into thin air when 800+ known Trump supporters were tried and convicted.  Was there a retraction?  Of course not.

Now, it’s billed more as a disturbance than an insurrection, Trump had no direct causation, and the entire topic is granted very little airtime.

The narrative here will constantly morph, but under no circumstance will Fox put itself in a position that it was clear that they supported a traitor.

By the time Trump’s criminality is fully resolved, there will be many other ultra-right-wing causes to support, and the former president will be left to fade out as a distant memory, just as an elderly eskimo is left to die on an ice floe.

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Well, he has a 100% conviction rate in the cases he actually brings.

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In my post as editor of 2GreenEnergy, it’s my job to make sure that every word choice is perfidious.

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Do you know what newly appointed special prosecutor Jack Smith was doing before he was called upon to deal with Trump and his litany of crimes?  Prosecuting war crimes that occurred in Kosovo.  Yes, that’s Kosovo.  A genocide that occurred 30 effing years ago.

I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that I want justice in one hell of a shorter period that three complete decades.

In 2052, Trump will be 106.

Above is a picture of a kid who could very well be president then.

Justice delayed is justice denied.


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Here’s a meme from another reader who makes the point that the dusting that Trump is receiving from the Republican party is based solely on his failure to rake in dollars. It has nothing to do with anything remotely connected to his attempt to overthrow the U.S. government or any of his other felonies he committed while in office and since he left.

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