More people every day believe that there is solid evidence that the former president committed crimes.

That Trump hasn’t been arrested and charged is most certainly not for lack of evidence, but for fear that such actions on the part of the Justice Department will be perceived as a massive political attack.

IMO, there is no way around this.  We either anger his supporters, or we forfeit any claim to being a nation of laws.

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As suggested at left, the dangers posed by the Republican party on American democracy have been greatly reduced recently, as many people on both sides of the aisle are blaming Trump for the GOP’s poor performance in the midterms.

Increasingly, Trump is perceived to be a liar, a criminal, a lunatic, and, accordingly,  unfit to have any influence in our politics.



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The overwhelming majority of our celebrities in the field of arts and entertainment are progressives, some more vocal than others in their pleas for a more just and environmentally responsible society.  Yet whatever percentage that may be, it’s certainly not 100.

Here’s Jon Voight, talking about the need to re-elect Donald Trump. From the video: “It’s a dark web. A dark world. But not for long. A change is coming. A new light will emerge. The one president who understood truths … Trump will return to the presidency. Allow Trump to rebuild our soil and our land so we can rise to our glory.”

Obviously, I don’t begrudge people the right to their opinions, and, in particular, the right to express them.  I do want to point out all this has an ominous, sinister tone.  Again, no crime there, but these dark emotions and vague assertions that America is lost, corrupt, and asleep are precisely what lead people to crimes, e.g., the insurrection and God knows what will hit us when Trump is indicted.

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I agree that this is hilarious, though I believe it’s a prank or a joke, rather than a legitimate expression of grief over the Republicans’ poor performance at the midterms.

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Clever, but I’m surprised the artist didn’t include “environmentalists” and/or “climate change.”

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It appears that the practice of election denial may have run its course here in the U.S., as those who make baseless claims of massive voter fraud performed very poorly in the midterms.

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Perhaps environmentalists are cheering over the news presented here.  But why use the power of government to accomplish something that the market itself would have implemented?

Are there people in France whose TGV trains run at 220 mph who want to go through airport security and wait an hour for their flight to circumvent a relatively short train ride?


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Twain’s thoughts here apply nicely to U.S. politics in the era of the Big Lie, QAnon, and all other related points of stupidity in American life.  And, for a while, it appeared that this is what was keeping Trump afloat in our politics.

Now the issue seems to be less about arguing against idiots, and more about money.  Here’s a theory: the reason that Trump is now, all of a sudden, being expelled from his position of power in the Republican party is that more money can be extracted from GOP donors in his absence than from his presence.

He’s sucked his MAGA donor base dry.  Hateful morons contributed to his building the wall, to his baseless litigation of the stolen election, and now to his criminal defense, as he’s about to be ground into the pavement with dozens of different felony charges.  But all that this has done is left tens of millions of idiots bereft of whatever money they had coming into this catastrophe.

Billionaires and huge corporations aren’t out of money.  What they’re out of is patience with a political figure who has brought the Republican party to its knees.

Game, set, and match.


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It’s true: the last 40 years have made us much safer in many ways that are quite important.

Sadly, this is counteracted by growing levels of ignorance.

Had COVID come along in the 1980s, we wouldn’t have had millions of people falsely claiming that vaccines were often lethal and part of a government plot to weaken the nation and enslave the population.

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I was recently asked to join the board of Human Trafficking Solutions, a group committed to eliminating modern-day slavery.  Though this scourge on human civilization often goes unnoticed, it’s estimated that there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 million people globally who are illegally held against their will and forced to work in some capacity.

As a marketing guy, my job is helping the organization formulate and disseminate its message.  Though I have no experience in this space whatsoever, marketing, in its essence, means the same thing in every application:  Articulating how we address the unmet needs of the public.

Among people who are aware of it, slavery/sex trafficking is probably the single most repugnant feature of our world today.  I’m quite certain that we can fashion a description of ourselves that awakens this outrage and translates it into positive action.