Sea-Level Rise
A bit of gallows humor here.
Seriously, sea-level rise is slated to hit Florida hard over the next 50 years, and its coastline is so long it’s very hard to protect.
A bit of gallows humor here.
Seriously, sea-level rise is slated to hit Florida hard over the next 50 years, and its coastline is so long it’s very hard to protect.
One take-away from the midterms is that election denialism appears to be on its way out. Of the 300+ proponents of the Big Lie who were on some ballot somewhere, the vast majority lost, and, with the possible exception of Arizona and Nevada (we’ll have to wait and see), nobody seems to be taking the Donald Trump tack and making unfounded claims of massive voter fraud.
I take this as a message that voters are sick of listening to this bullshit.
Obviously, if Republicans take control of either of the houses of Congress, anything’s possible, but it’s comforting to know that the voters themselves believe in the legitimacy of the American democracy, and don’t want to be represented by those willing to lie about something so basic to our culture.
Oh, let’s not be too hasty here.
If gasoline goes up 50 cents per gallon, it will have a temporary negative affect on the personal economy of some Americans.
Who cares if we wake up one day to find that Trump has the same authoritarian status as Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping? What’s the worst that could happen?
From an old friend: Today is the day we learn how many of our fellow citizens will be cool with authoritarian rule if it just lowers the price of gas 25 cents or so a gallon and bumps the Dow Jones a hundred points or so a week. I’m pretty sure Baldwin (pictured) would sell out democracy for an extra treat or two a week, but his motives are pretty easy to comprehend.
I’m not sure I would say that about Baldwin; he looks like a wise soul to me.
What I will grant, however, is that you’ve nailed the crux of the midterms. Too many of us have been manipulated into blindness when it comes to the future of American democracy.
Here’s one of Donald Trump’s attorneys explaining how she expects to have the election results sometime in the middle of the night, saying that if we don’t have the results by morning, it will appear that the Democrats have “extended the vote.”
In truth, all 50 states have constitutionally mandated times on election day when all voting is stopped, and no one is empowered to extend that moment by a millisecond.
What actually does happen, however, is that the votes then need to be counted, which, as we all know, takes time. Some states’ constitutions provide for the certification process to continue, as required, until the end of November.
The point here is that this attorney knows all this goddamn well. But she also knows that she’s speaking to a bunch of completely ignorant people from the core of the GOP base, who will happily believe that, if their candidate loses, it must have been because the Democrats rigged the election.
It’s shameful, but welcome to America in the era of Trump.
It will be fine with me when the Republican party stops nominating criminals and pathological liars to positions of political power.
In the meanwhile, it takes a truly disgusting person to vote for Dr. Oz.
We need to give Trump credit, not only for his brazen willingness to tell lies that are absolutely impossible to believe, but for his extreme creativity.
Here are documents that should have been housed at the National Archives, but instead were found in a poorly secured portion of Trump’s home. You think it’s credible that Biden was going to somehow pull them out and shred them?
(Roughly) “I suppose that the only time in which the majority of people think about injustice is when it happens to them.”
This is an excellent summation of life in America. In particular, there is an entire political party whose platform is: we are completely indifferent to others’ suffering. We know people are hungry, uneducated, dying of treatable diseases, and in many cases, homeless. We know that our children and grandchildren will be living on a planet that has been rendered nearly uninhabitable by global warming and other forms of environmental collapse. But, read our lips, we couldn’t care less.
Here’s another reminder of how gullible and stupid certain Americans are.
Suppose you find it irrelevant that 65+ judges at various different levels, including the U.S. Supreme Court, found no evidence of massive voter fraud. Doesn’t the logic in the meme here mean anything to you?