Republicans are expected to do quite well in tomorrow’s midterm elections here in the U.S., though it’s not exactly clear how and why that can be achieved.

Social Security and Medicare have been fixtures in American life for close to a century, and there doesn’t seem to be too much pushback there from the common person.  Unless you’re a hardcore libertarian who thinks that government is inherently evil, you’re going to have a tough time arguing against a self-funded system that takes care of everyone who lives past a certain age.

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I have to admit that Musk’s antics at Twitter are quite an entertaining side-show as we brace ourselves for the midterm election returns.

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This meme from Liz Cheney sounds compelling, but it should read, “…. who believes in democracy and understands what represents the greater threat against it.”

My mom, who tomorrow will cast her 38th ballot for the Republicans (every two years since she achieved the age of majority in 1947), believes that Democrats are deliberately opening our borders so that poor people from Central America can pour in, somehow earn citizenship, and eventually outnumber real Americans at the polls.

Why does she believe this?  Well, that’s the narrative that’s force-fed her by the ultra-conservative media she follows.  The point, however, isn’t why she believes it; it’s that she believes it with all her being.  If I had the effrontery to ask her if she believes in democracy, she would reply, “Of course.  Do you?”


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I don’t put myself in this position.

It’s weird how much more “dug in” everyone is now; it’s even worse than when Trump was in office.  Solely on the basis of what the former president claims, the MAGA crowd believes the election was stolen, and they’re doing everything in their power, including acts of great violence, to reinstate their leader.

This is a discussion that I simply don’t want to have.

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This anti-science rhetoric is one of the core challenges facing humankind.

Where it’s coming from is hard to isolate.  Sure, there are disinformation campaigns that have been emanating from Big Oil dating back to the 1980s, but for these to be effective there needs to be a glorification of ignorance running through our culture, one that promotes a deep contempt for people of learning and intelligence.

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Was there ever a time in the history of Christianity that the teachings of Jesus weren’t perverted to be used as a force for evil? Yes, there were remarkable examples like the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, but did it ever really let up?

Today’s Evangelical Christians aren’t burning heretics at the stake, but they couldn’t possibly be further from the ideals of compassion and kindness, especially to those who need it most.

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There is something superficially appealing about the content of the meme here. We do have brains, with which we can process information.

The problem is that disinformation does exist, and we’re surrounded by it.

Science is the totality of objectively truthful statements about the world around us, according to our species’ capacity to understand them at any given point in time.  Disinformation is any deliberate attempt to obscure those truths, and our culture is swimming in it.

If you believe, for instance, that anthropogenic climate change doesn’t exist, you’re simply incorrect.  Yes, given the Internet, you can find information that might send you in that direction.  But, whether it was created by an oil company or any of a variety of crackpots, it’s just plain wrong.




Thanks to New Yorker cartoonist Furn for this gem.

We certainly do have plenty to dread.

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Here’s an interesting analogy.  Its author is comparing:

a) an authoritarian dictator’s brutal attempt to take over a neighboring democracy with ~180,000 troops (not 10K), tanks, bombs, and a variety of other military tools, indiscriminately murdering, raping, and torturing large masses of innocent men, women, and children


b) desperately poor and endangered people seeking a safe place to live.

If the Republicans take over Congress in the midterms, we’ll have this level of stupidity to blame.


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Sadly, many Americans are motivated by xenophobia and the false notion that immigrants are the reason that they’re failing to get ahead financially.  But can these folks possibly represent anywhere near a majority?

Aren’t there a ton of constituencies that want nothing whatsoever to do with the GOP, especially women?

In any case, what Harvard Law professor emeritus Laurence Tribe says is correct: the upcoming 2022 midterms may be our last opportunity to preserve democracy.

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