Donald Trump still has tens of millions of supporters, and nothing can change that.  Not even the criminal prosecution for any of the litany of felonies for which he’s about to be charged is going turn his MAGA base away from him.

The only silver lining here is that the majority of U.S. voters see through him, and are quite happy to be recognized for having done that. The young lady here with the clever t-shirt and the broad smile on her face is a  good example of that.

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Want a futuristic car that gets unlimited amounts of attention?  Well, if this hydrogen-powered wow-machine is ever actually built, it will most certainly be for you.

There is a reason, however, that this prototype will never be brought into production, most obviously that the whole thing is fraudulent.

Fuel-cell vehicles don’t roar like dragsters.

Hydrogen hasn’t gained any significant ground in the 50+ plus years since “hydrogen economy” entered our lexicon, and there are a few immutable reasons why that’s the case.

Chief among them is gross inefficiency of electrolyzing water.  If you have X amount of energy at hand, you’ll do one hell of a lot better to charge a battery with it than creating hydrogen with less than two-thirds of that chemical energy.

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It seems there is a torrent of early voting for the midterms.  In Pennsylvania’s hotly contested senate race between Fetterman and Oz, for instance more than one million ballots have already been cast.

This usually favors Democrats, and that’s a good thing, because there are plenty of insane people, whose votes count just as much as a rational and intelligent person’s.

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Conservatism is most definitely a political position of selfishness, but, surprisingly, there are some intelligent people who are fiercely right-wing.

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A reader told me that the guy who attacked Nancy Pelosi’s husband is completely delusional, unlike the typical MAGA Trump supporter.

Yes, there is a difference between people whose actions are informed by strange voices in their heads, and, say, the typical January 6th insurrectionist, but it strikes me that this is a matter of degree and not kind.

If you believe that tens of thousands of journals around the world and the judges in 65 different courts in the U.S. all got the 2020 election wrong, and that Donald Trump is an honest person, you’re profoundly infirmed when it comes to thinking and processing information. Whether or not you’re hallucinating doesn’t matter much.

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Not sure how many readers have seen these faux Halloween costumes where kids can go door-to-door dressed as the most destructive and repulsive characters in American society, e.g., Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Here’s ExxonMobil CEO “climate con artist” Darren Woods, whose job is to maintain the fiction that his company, earning record profits by baking the planet, is active in decarbonizing our energy sources.

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A house in our community has a sign in front of it: “If you can read this, you’re in range.”

Trust me, no one around here has any intention of approaching that house, or having any interaction whatsoever with the family of sociopaths that lives there.

The meme here speaks to the issue more generally.  No one is treading on you, regardless of how repulsive you are.  We respect you and your property; we only wish you could see your way through to becoming a kinder, less aggressive human being.

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There are several aspects to the Republican platform that are simply astounding.

A notable example is the ban on abortion. A woman’s right to choose is a strongly held belief of almost all women, and the vast majority of men.  Going into an election, what’s the value in promoting a law that is so wildly unpopular?

But it gets worse (as shown at left): the slashing of Social Security and Medicare.

I know there are certain Christian sects that find abortion morally objectionable in all circumstances.  But are there senior citizens who don’t want Social Security and Medicare? This seems like a terrible item to have on a party’s platform.

I’m reminded of dealing with climate deniers who object to phasing out fossil fuels, to whom I would respond, “I know there are people who don’t believe in things like geology, atmospheric chemistry and physics, and climate science.  But are there people who don’t believe in lung disease?”

Make no mistake, I hope the GOP goes down hard.  But I’d really like to see a party that is a little less insane.




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When responsible people come across something that is both preposterous and attributed to someone they suppose to be credible, the first thing they do is head to Snopes, or some other place online where they can verify or discard it.  Yes, Elon Musk really did say this.

The only conclusion to be drawn here is that we live in a post-truth world, where facts have ceased to matter and reality is up for grabs.  The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are fake news, and Donald Trump is an honest man.  Darkness and light, tall and short, good and evil mean the same thing.

The world’s richest man is a complete asshole.  Just what humankind needed at this critical moment in time.



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These words came out of JFK’s mouth long before we had a political party vigorously trying to nullify American democracy.

Here we are, 60 years later, a nation wading through a cesspool of ignorance, hate, and rampant conspiracy theories that enable Donald Trump to retain vast political power.

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