No one with any moral sensibilities is thrilled with the prospect of another Trump administration, but let’s recognize that this could be the chance for redemption that the United States desperately needs.

This country is anxious to re-establish itself as a nation of laws, and a great deal can happen in the next four years to make this happen.


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From Investopia, on the last two presidential administrations’ contributions to the national debt:

Donald Trump; $6,700,491,178,561.60 (~ $6.7 trillion)

Joe Biden; $4,738,415,474,674.48 (~ $4.7 trillion)

Outside of the $2 trillion difference, a major consideration is that Trump gave trillions of dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest individuals and corporations, while Biden invested in our country’s infrastructure, most of which is focused on things that the common American finds valuable, e.g., healthcare, education, and the decarbonization of our energy and transportation sectors.

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It’s fashionable nowadays to suggest that our schools add stuff to their curricula.  Normally, these items are intended to make our young people more independent of a system that is rapidly deteriorating, and include things like growing one’s own food.

There’s no reason to object to this, except that, since our schools operate for a finite number of hours per year, for everything they add, they must remove something.

Given that a price must be paid for swapping subjects into and out of the curriculum, I think the guy here has the best possible deal: music, a discipline that is shown to make a smarter, less stressed, and more socially aware person.

Maybe if our kids were better, brighter people they’d be less likely to create a system that is deteriorating in the first place.

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The United States has no official language, and its citizenship test may be taken in any of dozens of languages.

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Though Trump seems to have control of the Republican party, and thus the U.S. government, there are members of the GOP, e.g., Liz Cheney, who aren’t willing to concede on matters of truth and rule of law.

Powerful stuff here.

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Pastor Brandon’s argument is one we’ve seen before.  Maybe liberalism is simply a collection of better ideas than conservatism, and that’s the reason we find them in places of higher education.

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Here’s a short video that lays out the most salient points of Trump’s new Education Secretary’s history and political philosophy, and, therefore, what we can expect to happen to our children over the next four years.  I recommend viewing it with a glass of wine; you’re going to need something to calm you down.

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Apparently, there are people who don’t understand that the United States produces more crude oil than any country on Earth, at any time in world history.

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China and Chinese interests own about 1% of all foreign-owned farmland.

Of all foreign-owned U.S. land, Canadian investors owned the most at 12.8 million acres. This makes up 31% of all foreign-owned U.S. land.  Four other countries held 12.4 million acres combined, or another 31% of foreign-owned land: the Netherlands (12%), Italy (7%), the United Kingdom (6%), and Germany (6%). China holds less than 1%.

1% of 3.1% is .031% or 0.00031. It’s infinitesimal, but more that enough to rile up the morons.

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It’s impossible to know who or what is behind the constant flow of disinformation on electric transportation, e.g., the graphic at left.  Big Oil?  QAnon?  Other right-wing, anti-environmentalist groups?

In any case, I have a friend who’s been telling me since we were teenagers 50 years ago, that EVs only move the source of the emissions from the vehicle to the power plant.  Of course, he also told me, “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”  Yes, he’s given to those types of slogans one encounters on Fox News and the like.

In truth, the phasing out of fossil fuels in our energy and transportation sectors is a boon to our environment, and our efforts to mitigate climate change in particular.  This has been shown in hundreds of peer-reviewed studies spanning several decades. Here’s a piece from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency debunking myths on the subject.

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