Incredibly low unemployment, record profits and stock prices, the Fed cutting interest rates due to falling inflation. Our portfolios are going through the roof.
Obviously, anything can happen at any time, but “what this economy is going through” doesn’t exactly suck.
Let’s think about the point made at left for a second.
What’s the most important difference between the lawn-game industry and the manufacturers of firearms that are intended to be weapons of war? Answer: Billions upon billions of dollars in profits, and tens of thousands of lobbyists, swarming all over our lawmakers.
When huge amounts of money are at stake, it’s only the liberals who count the dead bodies of our children.
News flash: Schools teach neither patriotism nor “trendy ideologies.”
IMO, if a particular teacher wanted to make a point on the subject here, it should be that the use of the U.S. military should be severely limited, so as to minimize the number of our children who are killed or maimed in combat.
At left is something that has been said by many of the worlds greatest minds, from Socrates to Bertrand Russell.
It’s interesting to note that religious cults try to cultivate certainty in their members. In many cases, questioning the ideas of the leader leads directly to expulsion.
There are many ways of explaining why healthcare should not be a profit-making enterprise, but this one from film documentarian Michael Moore seems especially on-point.
As Ben Franklin observed in the 18th Century, ignorance imposes huge costs on society in many different forms. Sure, crime is among them, but take a look at what just happened here in the U.S. in November.
The most poorly schooled among us teamed up with people with no moral education to elect a man who is under indictment for trying to overthrow the federal government.
Educated people voted overwhelmingly against Trump, but we were no match.
In terms of cost, just wait to see the actual price tag of the Trump administration’s Project 2025. In particular, the cost of cleaning up the long-term environmental damage wreaked by massive amounts of environmental deregulation is going to be hard to fathom.
Before the early 1960s, very few people believed that Earth’s environment needed to be protected. In fact, the prevalent thinking at the midpoint in the 20th Century was that the environment is here to serve humankind, that anything we did to harness it for our liking was a God-given right.
Right now, it could be said that environmentalism is being “ridiculed” or “violently opposed,” at least in the United States. The majority of voters view people like me and my 2GreenEnergy readers as woke sissies. The incoming Trump administration and its Project 2025 plan to obliterate as much of the meager progress that this country has made as possible.
I do predict a day when concerns for the environment are “accepted as self-evident,” as they are in places like Europe, but it’s unclear at this point how much damage will have been done, and how much of that damage will prove to be permanent.
A reader sent me the meme at left and replied: “Liberals!”
Ha! You’re not alone in your beliefs. But when we’re gone, you will be living in a country that features:
• Lousy education and even higher levels of ignorance and illiteracy.
• Life controlled by the billionaires. Extreme levels of corruption. Your next Secretary of Defense could be an alcoholic Fox News anchor, and your next Secretary of the Navy could be someone with literally zero military experience who’s only qualification was hosting a fund-raiser for Trump at his mansion. (Oops–that’s happening now.)
Tens of millions of people without healthcare, who either die from treatable diseases or lose their life savings to medical bills.
• The rejection of science, brought to you by anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, flat-Earthers, and all manner of other crackpots.
• Possibly, all the other stuff that liberals have brought to our society: women suffrage, the 40-hour work week, civil rights, the abolition of slavery, etc.
I won’t be on this planet to see the effects of everything you seem to want so dearly. Best of luck.
High-speed rail is nice, but there are obvious challenges associated with it here in America, e.g., obtaining the required easements and dealing with what I know to be the considerable resistance from the airline industry.
We may need to accept the fact that this isn’t going to happen, especially considering that our planet is rapidly losing its capacity to support organized human society.
If I were writing the budget for U.S. government spending, I would prioritize education and infrastructure that decarbonizes our energy and transportation sectors.