Henry Price writes: I don’t get it. I’m a veteran and no one anywhere has ever asked me to apologize for it. Who’s asking? Where? This veteran wants to know!
Henry:’ Don’t worry about it. This meme was made purely to inspire anger in extremely stupid Americans. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them.
I can’t comment on the meaning behind Trump’s new outfit, only to say that he has already cultivated 100% of the white supremacist vote, and there is nothing he could possibly do to lose a single ballot from the constituency that could be called “the hateful morons.”
You’ve got them all, sir. Every one. Todos, alles, tout.
There are many mysteries floating around in American politics surrounding Trump’s popularity. Some people theorize that somehow, Trump has given us permission to be our worst selves, and that this holds an unimaginable amount of appeal to almost exactly half of U.S. voters.
That would explain the chart below, which presents the fact that our country’s top military leaders have, to a person, gone on record stating that Trump is a terrible human being and an active danger to our nation.
Half of us simply don’t care about any of this; we’re not looking for intelligence, honor, or virtue of any kind. Give us white supremacy and carnage at the southern border, and we’re happy campers.
The U.S. election system is far from perfect; in particular, we have voter suppression in addition to a small amount of fraud.
It’s interesting, however, that the fraud exists almost entirely from the Republicans. Why is this? Aren’t progressives just as committed to their cause as the MAGA folks?
My theory is that we’re looking at a combination of intelligence, common sense, and honesty. Felonies like these carry harsh penalties and committing them has essentially zero chance of altering the election results. Intelligence and common sense dictate that we abstain from breaking these laws.
Moreover, progressives by definition are people of compassion for others. We tend to understand that laws like “one person one vote” are put into place to make all our lives better, and thus we’re unlikely to break these rules.
We’ve all had that feeling of a wave of nausea passing through us when we encounter something truly horrendous.
That’s what I experienced just now when I read a post from a friend who lives in Cleveland, Ohio, a state that is a must-win for the Republicans in their race for control of the U.S. Senate. He happened to be watching the news with his nine-year-old daughter, when the young lady announced, “I don’t like (Democratic incumbent) Sherrod Brown. He makes little kids get sex changes.”
This is where we are, folks. Libelous political advertising that most adults recognize to be completely asinine, but which hits hard against voters with the maturity of nine-year-olds.
While no one knows precisely what will happen to public spending if Trump is re-elected, a few things seem clear from what has been said aloud: the termination of the ACA, aka Obamacare, meaning the end of healthcare for people with pre-existing conditions, and a significant level of reduction in Social Security and Medicare.
At the same time, there are rumblings about the terminating of the Department of Education, or a return of Trump’s former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, to complete her mission of destroying our public schools.
Will any of this do even slight damage to America’s billionaires? Of course not.
The millions of people who watched the fourth game of U.S. baseball’s World Series saw this play (below), in which a fan interfered with the play of Los Angeles Dodgers right-fielder Mookie Betts. If you watch the clip, you may agree with me that that was closer to assault than it was to “interference.”
The fan was ejected from his seats, but for some reason wasn’t charged with a crime.
I write this post because I believe the incident illustrates something of great importance about American society: we’ve become a nation of animals. Ask yourself if this could have possibly happened in the ~120 years of baseball before Donald Trump entered the political scene and inspired us to become the human swine we are now.
If you’re looking for reassurance that Americans are faring decently with their degraded education standards, the meme here is not for you. The consumption of grass by cows is not bad for the planet, but the destruction of the rainforests to make room for more cows definitely is.
Incidentally, I met a middle school math/science teacher the other day who has 41 kids in her class. Overcrowded classrooms are not conducive to learning.