Note that there is nothing about this guy, his car, or his sign that associates him directly with a certain presidential candidate. But is there really any doubt?
Trump says he likes the uneducated, and it’s pretty clear why. There are a lot of them, and their viewpoints are a piece of cake to manipulate.
I don’t know how readers play the New York Times daily games like Wordle, but the meme here reminds me of a clue from yesterday’s “The Mini” (crossword). The clue was “PR concern” and the answer was “image.”
Does this promote a good image of Trump and his support base? Does the lady portray anything but stupidity and insanity?
Many Americans are horrified at the idea of “socialised medicine” but look at the results. Pretty much all the countries on the list have some form of universal healthcare paid for either by taxes or by compulsory universal insurance cover with average costs around half those in the U.S. and average life expectancies nearly 5 years longer!
Yes, there is no doubt that we have both higher healthcare costs and worse outcomes than the rest of the wealthiest nations. I’m sure there are dozens if not hundreds of groups trying to understand the correlation here.
In addition to the horrible fact that we have people dying of treatable diseases because they can’t afford healthcare, I would bet it’s a function of deregulated corporations’ impact on our lives, in terms of food/nutrition, toxic waste, etc.
It all comes down to something that permeates our lives here: we care very little about the wellbeing of others.
Ask yourself how well Donald Trump would fare if he were running to become Prime Minister of England (or the president of France). He’d be a laugh.
What hit me here was: Retweet so every American knows Trump was besties with Epstein.
Give me a break. Even the vast majority of his supporters know that Trump was committing statutory rape with grossly underage girls, and they simply don’t care.
The presidential election in 2024 comes down to a race between an essentially honest man, sadly weakening with age, versus a criminal sociopath.
Virtually every American knew this years ago; there is no news here to be spread.
When we consider the current presidential administration we tend to think of one person, Joe Biden, but we need to keep in mind that there are approximately 1500 people in various positions who are working hard under the president to build the base of jobs, strengthen the economy, and restore honesty and fairness to government.
If Trump is re-elected, these 1500 people will be replaced by 1500 folks with the same character as the 45th president himself, i.e., criminal liars.
There is a reason that 40 of Trump’s 44 top aids refuse to support him in November.
He says he’s a friend of Donald Trump. So Trump is hiding this horrible truth from us? OK, Trump is one of the most terrible people this country has ever encountered, but really?
What does he suggest that the U.S. would do if it came under this type of attack from a conspiracy between Russia and China and “90% of Americans were (actually) losing their lives to heat-stroke, frostbite, starvation, disease via failure of refrigeration and hospitals, etc.? Send over some diplomats with fancy leather briefcases?
I happen to know people personally who have told me (and these are not military secrets), that, under a circumstance like this, that if we are not able to knock these attack missiles out of the sky, we will dump everything we have on the attacking country(ies), eradicating them within a few minutes from the surface of the Earth.
Whom to believe? This fool, supposed friend of Trump and Carlson, or your own common sense?
Think for a moment how few present-day Republicans hold to what Teddy Roosevelt said here. It’s actually smack-dab in the middle of the modern Democratic platform.
This assertion is what’s now called “woke,” i.e., the notion that we should care about the wellbeing of one another.
I had the honor of meeting the first female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court a few years ago.
The wisdom she expressed here seems to be lost on today’s high court, which has little if any interest in protecting the American people against a “system that that has served others so poorly.”
By protecting Donald Trump against criminal prosecution and granting him immunity, they’ve effectively ended our democracy and headed us toward fascism, a system that has served poorly everyone who has ever suffered under it.