I was on a Zoom call the other day on which someone was trying to explain the hostility between two sects somewhere in Central  or Eastern Europe.   (Was it Hungary?  I can’t recall.)  The caller explained, “These people just don’t along with each other.”

As if that actually explains anything.

My thought:

How about we knock off this silly childish bullshit right now, while humankind still has a chance of having an organized civilization here in 50 years. 

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With each passing day it appears that Trump is losing a few more voters.  Take the story of the Haitians in Ohio as an example.

Who’s on Trump’s side in this discussion with the state’s governor?  Only the most hateful racists conceivable.

Don’t get me wrong: this country is home to one hell of a lot of hateful racists, but that number, whatever it actually is, is certainly not going to get the job done in November.

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Trump is revered by two groups:

The uneducated, whose ignorance on subjects like climate change prevents them from seeing that they are being lied to, and educated people of horrific character, who are thrilled that there are enough of these uneducated people to make Trump a viable candidate in yet a third consecutive presidential election cycle.

Is this a perfect storm of greed and stupidity that will take us on course to bake this planet?


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Are you telling me that the “Patriots Network” creates and promotes memes based on quotes that they themselves acknowledge to be fake? I’m struggling to think of anything more stupid.

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As shown at left, key public figures in red states are slamming Trump for his selfish and traitorous behavior.

Is it even possible that Texas will go with Harris in 2024?  Dems lost the Lone Star state by only 5.6% in 2020.

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Energy/financial guru Robert Rapier writes:

JD Vance was the smoother speaker, and I thought if you didn’t consider the substance of what was being said, you might conclude that he won the debate. I thought Walz played too nice with him and didn’t call him out for many things. The thing about Vance is that he lies with absolute confidence. There were many questions Vance just didn’t answer, pivoting instead to his talking points.
What amazes me is that what’s at stake here in another four years in which the Unites States could be led by a criminal sociopath.  The situation, taken as a whole, couldn’t be any more dire.  Yet no one’s even mentioning the elephant in the room.
I guess everyone wants our candidates to behave respectfully and not to use the “C” word (criminal).   I don’t think I could refrain myself from saying something like, “Next month, some voters, and we’ll see how many, will go to the polls and cast their ballots for a man whom four separate grand juries, each manned by impartial Americans, handed down indictments including 91 felony counts, including Trump’s attempt to overthrow the U.S. government.
“Did Trump, as Mr. Vance asserts, ‘rescue Obamacare?’  Of course not.  That couldn’t be a more obvious lie.  In fact, he tried to kill it, with nothing to replace it with other than ‘a concept of a plan.’  But who cares, when we’re talking about electing a man who will soon go on trial for sedition and treason.”
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The meme here reminds me of the late, great George Carlin, and his masterpiece explaining why he worships the sun, and not the traditional Judeo-Christian God:

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And they’re using conductive (rather than inductive) charging like the trolleys of 100 years ago?


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Meat-eaters nowadays seem to have deep-seated emotional issues with vegans, for reasons that remain unclear.  Why all this aggression against people who may have compassion for the welfare of other sentient beings. or may be concerned about their own health, or that of the planet as a whole?

I have to admit that some of these arguments are kind of funny, e.g., “Eat beef, because the (American) West wasn’t won on salads.”

But the meme here doesn’t impress me with any of that cleverness, if only because the life expectancy of the cave people of the paleolithic period was roughly 33 years.  Our ancestors’ early deaths were principally the result of two things: infection and poor nourishment. Aren’t the burger-lovers happy to be part of the modern era of better nutrition, living longer, healthier lives?



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I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve had this conversation with someone.

While it’s true that we can’t stop using fossil fuels tomorrow, we can establish an energy policy that calls for phasing them out at the maximum feasible rate.  We can also use our economic influence around the world to lead the way among other countries, especially those that are less affluent.

The gating factor, of course, is greed. Big Oil will be damned if it’s going to relinquish control of the world energy supply, and its capacity to make obscene levels of profit by baking the planet.

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