At left are the words of the late British-American theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson.

Many of us harbor a misconception about science.  We hear people say, “Trust the science,” as if that means trust the current set of results that scientists have concluded on a certain subject.

It would be far more helpful if we were to say, “Trust the scientific method and those trained in its use to produce the best answers available to humankind.”

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At left are a few words from American actress and comedian Wanda Sykes.  What an astute point she makes here, and how broadly it applies to our lives as Americans.

The MAGA crowd loves to rail against drag queens and controversial books, as well as free school lunches, forest rangers, and scientists, but it has no problem with mass school shootings and the outbreak of diseases that had formerly been eradicated.

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A reader comments: Elon Musk has the full support of the American people.

Wrong.  From The Independent:

When asked whether respondents approved or disapproved of the job that Musk is doing within the federal government, a net 34 percent approve compared to 49 that disapprove.

The poll, carried out on February 13 – 18, found that 52 percent disapprove of Musk’s shutting down federal programs that he deems unnecessary, compared to 26 who approve.

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Is this an indication of Trump’s subservience to Putin?  Kind of looks that way.  It’s disgusting in any case.

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These folks’ labor union is a bit cheesed off at the idea.

Complete chaos and outrageous behavior in the White House.

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The reader who sent me this comments, “This is ridiculous!”

Perhaps “outrageous” is a better word, but …. whatever.

Bongino’s qualifications include his appeal as a conservative radio host and his loyalty to Trump, though he has no experience within the law enforcement agency.


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IMO, the most amazing thing about Elon Musk is that he has no more respect for the truth than Trump does himself; he makes statements that only a complete fool would believe, and expects to get away with them every single time.

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An Eagle star told a news outlet, “We represent a city and a state that is pushing for equal rights, respect and values that respect every human being. We won’t forget what happened and the criticism we received for taking a stand against racism, and we won’t back down from our values of respect, integrity and equality.”

Right on.


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My marketing services business that ran from 1984 through 2008 had very little to do with the food industry, but I suppose it was a small part of the early DEI movement.  Through the first years, when the business was small and I did the hiring myself, I always favored women and minorities over white male candidates if the two were evenly qualified.  Then, when the business grew and I needed an HR person, I instructed her to do the same.

I simply thought it was the right thing to do, and I liked the look of the place when clients came through to check us out.

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Someone asked me the other day how it was possible that so many Americans are ass****s, and the truth is that I simply don’t know.

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