The former chairman of the Maine Republican party understands the profound and tragic changes that the GOP has undergone, and its current status as a cult of dishonesty.
Fortunately, a great many other Republicans have had that precise realization.
If this were correct, the ship would sink if it was stationary.
The ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes discovered that the net upward force on an object immersed in water is equal to the weight of the water displaced by the object.
The ship floats because the weight of the water it displaces is equal to apparent weight loss of the ship.
Apparently, French surgeon and biologist Alexis Carrel fashioned his quote here from the great Friedrich Nietzsche and his masterpiece “Beyond Good and Evil,” which contains this, IMO the definitive explanation of existentialism, and the most beautiful single sentence ever written in Western philosophy:
In man, creature and creator are united: in man there is matter, fragment, excess, clay, mud, madness, chaos; but in man there is also creator, sculptor, the hardness of the hammer, the divine spectator and the seventh day.
I know there are right-wing voters all around the developed world, e.g., the Lepin followers in France.
But consider the photo here. Can anyone imagine the equivalence of this anywhere else than the U.S.? We somehow seem to have cornered the market on the true right-wing idiot.
Of course, some people say that it’s not a problem at all.
What’s the value of the lives of a few thousand little children compared to the absolute right of a mentally ill person to buy a weapon designed purely and only to kill hundreds of enemy soldiers on a battlefield?
If I were Trump, I wouldn’t be too worried about the meme here. In particular, his voters expect exactly zero from him in terms of things like healthcare, education, job growth, pandemic response, or any other government program that might improve the wellbeing of the American people.
Consider Trump’s claim that he’s going to have law enforcement and/or military personnel driving around through every U.S. city and town, rounding up illegal aliens for mass deportation. Do even the very dullest and most hateful of his supporters think that’s ever going to happen?
The only thing of importance on the campaign trail is keeping up the empty rhetoric and bald-faced lies about the crime rate and the economy. It connects to people of such little intellectual horsepower that they will believe anything you say, regardless of how obviously false.
The meme here is clearly targeted to the MAGA base, in an effort to make these folks angry about an issue that has no basis in fact and certainly poses no threat to our country.
There are thousands of pages of laws that govern the circumstances under which China, its government, corporations, and individuals can own real estate in the United States and vice versa.
Currently, of all the land in the United States that is owned by foreign entities, China ranks #17, at 0.9% See below.
One could say that the 20th Century was defined by the fossil fuel industry. Virtually all of the huge advancements that humankind came to enjoy in the 1900s were rooted in an abundance of cheap energy, and that was brought to us almost exclusively in the form of oil, natural gas, and petroleum.
The 21st Century, on the other hand, will be defined by the transition to low-carbon sources of energy, primarily solar, wind, and nuclear.