NPR’s special series, “The Undercount: The invisible death toll from climate change,” aims to answer this question. When climate and health reporter Alejandra Borunda asked doctors what important topics she should focus on, she heard the same thing over and over: Climate change is hurting a lot of people, but we aren’t doing a good job of keeping track of how many. “We’re undercounting the damage by an enormous amount,” Borunda says.

The answer to the basic question here is no; it’s impossible to provide even a good guess as to this figure, if only because there is no way to ascribe any particular catastrophic event, say a hurricane or a wildfire, to climate change.  It’s really not a matter of doing a good or a bad job at keeping track.

Consider what appears to be a far more black-and-white situation, deaths from COVID-19.  As discussed in this paper, it’s not a straightforward task to say that a certain victim died “with” COVID or “of” COVID.

As unsatisfying as it may be, I’m afraid that the community of climate scientists will eventually give up on the task of counting the deaths due to global warming.


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Question: Anti-vaxxers say that the COVID-19 is dangerous and, in particular, that it causes more fatalities than it prevents.  They base this (false) claim on the (groundless) idea that the vaccine has been tested on too few individuals.  In fact, how many doses of the vaccine have been administered worldwide since the onset of the disease in 2020?

Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.



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A reader notes: LOUISIANA REQUIRES ‘TEN COMMANDMENTS’ BE DISPLAYED IN CLASSROOMS! (Leftists break several to fight them.)

This reader, whose name I’ll keep to myself, is normally more on point.  In particular, I’m wondering what “leftists” actually did in breaking the 10 Commandments.  Blogging on Sunday?

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Obviously, our government has a long way to go in dealing with price-gouging and monopolies, but Biden really is on a roll (despite a Congress that is essentially owned by Big Money).

Moreover, as the author of the meme here mentions, this explains that huge influx of cash from the billionaires to the Trump campaign.

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I wouldn’t say that I’m offended, per se.  In fact, I’m more amused.

In either case, rodeos don’t do it for me.

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As anyone could have predicted, the nation’s wealthiest individuals are opening up their checkbooks in an effort to get Donald Trump back in the White House, doing exactly what he promised: lowering their taxes.

The irony here, of course, is that the vast majority of the Trump base does far worse under Trump, insofar as they have been left behind economically.


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When mainstream media covers Biden, its purpose is often to show that he’s a senile old man.  But wouldn’t a bit of fairness and honesty be nice?

As Robert Reich presents here, Biden is putting pressure on Corporate America to do right by U.S. citizens, and this is causing a considerable kerfuffle in court rooms across the country.

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Those living outside the U.S. may not know that the states in the southern region of the country have always placed at the very bottom in terms of test scores in English, math, and science.  This has been part of our nation’s reality since compulsory schooling was put into place in the 19th Century.

Now, if you or I were in charge of the public education system in a place that was failing, like Louisiana, we’d place calls to the folks in states that place at the very top and ask for advice.  But no, helping kids get ahead, and live more productive and affluent lives doesn’t mean a thing in the Deep South.


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As loathsome as these people are, they aren’t interested in reinstating slavery. Yet what the MAGA crowd would like to see is a return to the mid-20th Century in terms of race relations.

A friend from prep school told me, “I have no problem with blacks as long as they know their place.”  A friend from college, “The only things that nig***s are good for is bringing you your lunch and putting another sprig of mint in your julep.”

What the Trump base wants is essentially apartheid, or de facto segregation at the very least.


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Here’s a short but powerful video that has a great deal to teach us all.

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