In an earlier post, I pointed out that there is a certain segment of Americans that objects to black history (slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and the systemic racism that exists today) being taught in our schools.

Please see the photo at left.  Though it was taken the year in which I was born, bigotry still exists.

It will be a great day when the opposition to so-called Critical Race Theory evaporates from our culture.

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I honestly don’t know how to respond to the question a reader poses at left, other than to acknowledge that our lack of compassion for others is most certainly a part of the American zeitgeist as we move through the 21st Century.

If you can explain how this country re-elected Donald Trump, or why so few drivers use turn signals anymore, you’ll have your answer.

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What the reader here, Travis Matthew, and his out-of-work neighbor may not understand is that Trump doesn’t need public support at this point.  He’s either a lame duck president or the first king of the United States.  In either case, what his support base thinks of him now is completely irrelevant.

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As shown at left, there is a certain segment of Americans who believe that black history (slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and the systemic racism that exists today) has no place being taught in our schools.

I was hoping that the opposition to Critical Race Theory would be a passing phase among hateful morons, but my hopes are being dashed.

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Below is a compilation of quotes from a few of our country’s top military leaders on the character of Donald Trump. Yet the fact that they are uniformly unflattering, to put it kindly, seems to make little difference to the U.S. electorate.

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Former college basketball star and math teacher extraordinaire Joe Turk (shown at left) offers “13 of his ‘major’ lies and we’re not even two months in.

The tale of the $50 million – no, make it $100 million – in condoms for Hamas
Blaming Ukraine for starting the war on Ukraine
The (non-)uniqueness of birthright citizenship
More up-is-down reversing of the reality of January 6
A gusher of deceit about California water policy
The election lie he refused to let die
That fable about Olympic boxers, again
The president’s fictionalized northern neighbor
Blasting Biden for a program launched under Trump
Relentless deception about who pays tariffs
A wild exaggeration of the increase in autism rates
China’s (non-)operation of the Panama Canal
Trump’s invented dominance with “the youth vote”
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Rick Steves writes:
Update on my Medical Travels: I’m Cancer Free!  PSA 55 to PSA 0.09 to PSA <0.03…Yes! If you know prostate cancer, you know the happy story of those numbers — and the relief of hearing my surgeon say, “You can now consider yourself cancer-free.”
Life has been a whirlwind lately, with a …. a president essentially declaring, “L’État, c’est moi” (“The state, it’s me”… in the spirit of Louis XIV.)
But I’ve been on a deeply personal journey since last July, when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I promised I’d keep my traveling family posted — and I’m happy to now report that I’ve weathered the storm.
Congratulations on the cancer; PSA 55 is pretty scary stuff.  Love your insightful remark on America’s new ruler.
Incidentally, there are a few important differences between The Sun King and Donald Trump.
Louis XIV was a believer in the divine right of kings, where the United States was founded on the principles of freedom and democracy.  Also, from what I’ve read, there is nothing to suggest that Louis XIV wasn’t a sane and honest human being.
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I’ve written that many, but not all, Trump supporters will eventually see the light and realize that their leader has become a dictator, and that’s not part of the American way.  The words at left are what I’m referring to.

There are people who will think it’s just fine if:

• The free press is shut down, and only favorable media is permitted to operate.

• The president/king can, and frequently does, have his political opponents jailed.

• The rights of women and all minorities are stripped away.

• The United States abandons its ties with its historic allies in Europe and now sides with Russia, one of the most barbaric and anti-democratic nations on Earth.


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Until about 15 years ago, before the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) associated with solar and wind began to plummet, the world had high hopes for the renewable energy technologies collectively known as hydrokinetics, i.e., extracting the kinetic energy out of moving water.  Nowadays, however, at least as far as I’m aware, no one is working in this area.

Of course, there is no rule that says you can’t spend your own money in any way you wish.  However, what you’re going to run into in ocean current or any of the other flavors of hydrokinetics, e.g., wave, tidal, or run-of-river, is the old adage, “If you don’t care how much you pay per kilowatt of electricity, I’ll get you all the renewable energy you could possibly imagine.”

I’m fairly certain that the story here about the Japanese is false.  Either that or it’s 15 years old.



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Below we have the words of American singer/songwriter James Taylor, in which he expresses his disgust for his country’s stabbing Ukraine and NATO in the back. A sickening moment, to be sure.

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