ABC News: US stats show violent crime dramatically falling, so why is there a rising clash with perception?
From ABC News:
In his State of the Union address this month, President Joe Biden boasted that the nation reported a historically low murder rate in 2023 and violent crime had plummeted to one of the lowest levels in 50 years.
For some Americans, however, the perception of crime is clashing with the statistics.
“I don’t believe it, plain and simple. I don’t believe it because we’re experiencing different results,” Auriol Sonia Morris — a South Carolina education, finance and legal consultant who describes herself as a Black conservative Republican and a supporter of former President Donald Trump — told ABC News.
This sure rings true to me. I know quite a few Trump supporters, and one thing they have in common is the belief that nothing good happens under a Democratic administration.
In most cases, and this issue with crime statistics is a great example, this overall mode of viewing the world is extremely clunky, because it involves the belief that huge classes of people, in this case, the FBI, are lying.
Perhaps even tougher to support is the notion that the stats surrounding COVID-19 are falsified. To believe this, you have to accept that the doctors who went through a decade of medical training and seem to do a pretty good job with our illnesses and other diseases have become completely dishonest, almost overnight, and are now deliberately lying about their patients’ causes of death.
An old friend of mine believes in the “plandemic,” the notion that the COVID epidemic is planned and orchestrated by the U.S. government. Of course, he faces an even more difficult challenge, i.e., the fact that there are more than 200 countries on Earth, and each one of which have their own responses to the disease. Is he suggesting that the governments of Uruguay, Romania, and Nepal are all colluding with our CDC? Or that they are implementing their own independent conspiracies to murder their citizens?
If this seems hard for you to accept, perhaps it’s because somehow, through all the disinformation floating around you every minute of every day, you have miraculously retained the ability to think. Well done.