To the bottom of the meme at left I would add, “… and Criminality.”

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Coors is definitely on my list too.

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For Trump to stay out of prison, he’s going to have to either win in November (and dismantle the Justice Department’s prosecutorial efforts against him) or convince the courts that trying to overthrow the U.S. government was an “official act.”

I’m betting against him.

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If there were ever an argument against getting a tattoo, this is it.

I like the point this guy is making.

If we didn’t have a for-profit news industry, we could have simply ignored Donald Trump when he came on the American political scene in 2015.

I’m constantly reminded by people from Europe that, had he been on the Continent, Trump would have either been ignored completely or laughed off the stage.

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Because commercial wind turbines capture more than 80% of the theoretically available energy from the wind, these people’s claim that their devices double the energy output is a lie.

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When I meet Scandinavians, i.e., folks from countries that are consistently at the top of the World Happiness Rankings, I often ask them to explain this phenomenon.

Almost uniformly, they respond in terms of the sense of community that pervades their society.  Everyone pays slightly higher taxes, but no one dies of a treatable disease nor goes bankrupt due to health costs, everyone gets a free college education, and there is essentially no homelessness.

True to form, no other region of the world has done a better job with respect to environmental responsibility.  That’s because no one better understands the concept that “we’re all in this together.”




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This photo of Donald Trump and Kevin Roberts (the author of Project 2025) flying in Trump’s private jet has surfaced, and been made public for all to see that the two are definitely linked.

Trump is a pathological liar and a career criminal, but he’s nobody’s fool.  Project 2025 will render the common American so miserable and ignorant that he’ll be in no position to participate in the vibrant democracy that our forefathers thought they had put into place.

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Keep in mind that the typical Trump supporter does not vote according to what benefits them.  In fact, as illustrated here, they often don’t actually know what benefits them.

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As young minds develop, they go through certain stages.  Babies experience “object permanence,” meaning that, at somewhere between four and seven months, they come to realize that things don’t simply vanish when they are removed from sight, and then come back into existence when brought back into view.

I would think than an average eight- or nine-year-old child would look at the meme here and call BS.  You don’t get that light and heat for free; they come from burning the wax.

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