I just met a woman from Zurich, and the conversation turned to the Trump rally that’s taking place here in this rural part of Central California.  As it turns out, Biden is vacationing here and has opted to make a short speech.  The Trump supporters are protesting, as a means to tell the president that “he’s not welcome here.”

The Swiss lady said, “This would never have happened in Europe, purely because people there are well educated.  Sadly, the United States has deprioritized education, which has made it possible for the rise to political power of a truly terrible person.”


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Now that you mention it, there is something that most Americans find offensive about the American flag, and that is that it’s been highjacked by Trump supporters.

Ten years ago, if someone chose to fly the flag, it symbolized nothing but pure patriotism.  Now it means the support of white nationalism, the rejection of science, and most of all, standing behind a pathological liar and criminal sociopath who is doing everything he can to overthrow the U.S. government so as to stay in power.

It’s not time to leave the country.  It’s time to recognize this attempt at autocracy for what it is and make sure it loses in a landslide in November.

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Here’s a family that is doing its level damnedest to remove itself from the gene pool, and that, IMO estimation, is a good thing.

Eat horrible food.  Expose yourself to pandemics.  Refuse medical treatment.  Elect leaders who will only make your lives worse.

Say bye-bye.


As previously mentioned, 2GreenEnergy “headquarters” is located in the smallish Santa Ynez Valley in Central California, population 18K, about 30 minutes’ drive inland from Santa Barbara.

As it turns out, President Joe Biden happens to be vacationing here, and not surprisingly, his presence is the subject matter of various points of political controversy.

Interestingly, Biden will be making a speech at a local shopping center.  But why step into the fray, when Trump lost California in 2020 by, shall we say, a “significant” margin (63.48% to 34.32%, close to 2:1)? And that was before Trump was indicted four times.  What percentage of Americans want to re-elect a criminal?

In any case, the local news reports that the extremely visible MAGA crowd wants to assemble, and let Joe know that he’s “not welcome here.”   I’ll try to be out of town when the pickup drivers with the cowboy hats remind us all what it’s like to act like third-grade school bullies.

The pic above represents the beauty of the Valley.  If you don’t mind living among some serious ignorance and hatred, it’s a great place to call home.

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In addition to what Jacob Perry writes here, let’s throw in that, in addition to Trump’s being convicted of 34 counts of felony fraud, three other grand juries found that he probably committed election interference, inciting an insurrection, stealing classified government documents, and a variety of other crimes.

It remains unclear how U.S. voters can have an appetite to re-elect him, given these circumstances. It seems unAmerican, at best.

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As the existentialists would say, We live in an icy cold universe that is completely indifferent to our wellbeing. 

The environmentalists add a new twist: The Earth isn’t going to disappear anytime in the next five billion years, but an organized human civilization could evaporate before the end of this century if it’s unable to come together and avert environmental catastrophe.  

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In a post the other day I wrote:  Big Oil’s only interest at this point is maintaining its revenue and profit stream indefinitely,  But as time passes, this will be increasingly difficult, and will require feeding the public more propaganda.

A reader responded:  Be honest? Take your own advice. Do you think you can farm without nitrogen? Where do you think 100% of nitrogen fertilizer comes from? Natural gas. Fact is, we will always be dependent on fossil fuels to some extent.

I very much doubt it.  If we still have a civilization here at the end of this century, it will be because we successfully decarbonized our transportation and energy sectors with renewables and nuclear.   We need an energy policy that transitions away from fossil fuels as quickly and completely as feasible.

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As time passes and Americans become increasingly incapable of thinking, we’re seeing more ads like the one at left, exploiting idiots’ hatred of wokeism.

Until just now, I was unaware that an inanimate object could be woke.  I suppose I need to go into the bathroom, pick up my razor, and ask it if it believes in diversity, equity and inclusion.


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Not sure we need the seedy guy with the beer, but the point here is an important one.  If you’re in Iceland or Paraguay, nationalism is probably harmless, adding a bit of pride to a small and nonaggressive country.

But if you’re a world power with a huge military, nationalism lies at the root of distrust and hatred of others, precisely at a time in world history when these emotions are most dangerous.

We’re constantly reminded of the need to come together as a civilization to address climate change, yet we seem to be headed in the precise opposite direction.

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In the real world, the assertion at left is completely untrue.  If the author wants to modify this to: All of us have the right to an equal opportunity to develop our own talents, then fine.

But if you believe that kids who grow up in inner-city slums have the same opportunities to develop their talents as the rich kids whose parents bought them into Harvard, you’re totally incorrect.