What the author of the meme here says is true–not only of some of us, but of damn near all of us.

Of course, there are “old-time” religious institutions whose adherents build their lives around the word of the bible.

I say: no big deal. Live and let live.  Are we really that desperate for controversy?


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It seems that there are Americans who don’t know that each and every country around the globe, more than 200 in total, had its own response to COVID-19, and that Dr. Fauci had nothing to do with the decisions in all but one.

I was curious to know what actions France took, to select a nation at random.  Interesting stuff.

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For a moment, think of all the world’s scientists and the disciplines across which they operate (see below).  Then ask yourself what percentage of these people work under coercion, censorship, fake data, manipulation, cherry-picking, and fear mongering.

I know dozens of people personally who work in these fields, and it’s hard for me to accept that the fellow in the photo with the tats and the gun knows more about the subject than I do.

Did I just write “gun?” What value does that add to this guy’s point?


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As we all know, a pro football player told the graduating class at Benedictine College that women should aspire to be homemakers.

This would have been newsworthy if the sponsoring body were not a small, deeply religious school in Kansas.  Does anyone think that biblical teachings on the role women play match our society’s norms in the 21st Century?

Let’s just be glad he didn’t talk about woman as the property of men, women remaining silent in church, stoning adulteresses to death, etc.


This British gentleman has nailed the core problem we face in the U.S.

I’m reminded of the occasional conversations I have with Fox News acolytes, where I’m compelled to ask, “And you believe that?”

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At this point in the “development” (some would say “retrogression”) of human society, it appears that the hopes expressed here by the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu are not taking root.

That’s because:

1) Our species evolved to be tribal, i.e., to be at least wary of, but more often hostile to, those who don’t look and think like us.  For every Desmond Tutu on Earth, there are hundreds of people with very little capacity to look outside of the racist values with which they grew up.


2) Corporate profits are harder to be made when people treat each other as brothers and are thus more likely to share resources with one another. Money makes the world go ’round, and the notion of “one human value” doesn’t work for capitalism.

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I don’t know who this guy is or what his area of expertise may be.  It’s certainly not education.

Getting rid of Algebra 2 will mean the end of all college students who major in chemistry, physics, and, of course, mathematics.  In turn, it means no more pre-meds, and, a few years later, no more doctors produced in the United States.

Of course, when you walk through a medical office and read the surnames of the doctors practicing there, it’s clear that, through our eviscerating American education over the past few decades, we’re 90% of the way along this terrible process.

Also: no engineering means no new infrastructure, cars, and IT.  All advancements in technology will come from Europe and Asia.

We can teach our kids about financial fundamentals like credit cards and buying a house, but they will be so desperately poor that none of these skills will have any meaning.

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It’s quite possible that we actually are at the onset of a “collective awakening.”

Maybe we’ve seen enough.  Enough hatred.  Enough stupidity.

Maybe we see the handwriting on the wall for women’s rights, for environmental decay.

Maybe Americans don’t want a leader who came within a gnat’s fanny of overthrowing the government and setting democracy asunder.

Maybe enough is enough.

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Bob Weir was only 16 years old when he cofounded The Grateful Dead with Jerry Garcia.

A full 60 years later, he’s known for having spent more time on stage than any other musician, and for his commitment to environmental and social activism.
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It would be interesting to know what percentage of our neighbors take the Book of Genesis literally and believe that the Earth is 6000 years old.

I suppose it depends on what we mean by “neighbors” and/or where we live, and therefore, who our neighbors actually are. If you’re in rural Mississippi, the answer will be far different than if you’re in Manhattan or San Francisco.

In any case, I grant that beliefs like this, i.e., those that require a wholesale dismissal of science, are frightening indeed.  If you want to know how it’s possible that so many Americans are anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, and Trump supporters, this gives you a pretty good insight.


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