Our Relationship with our Animal Cousins
As a scientist who spent her life studying animals, Jane Goodall and her comment here should hit home for many of us.
Why we slaughter some animals and not others is a matter of freakish chance.
As a scientist who spent her life studying animals, Jane Goodall and her comment here should hit home for many of us.
Why we slaughter some animals and not others is a matter of freakish chance.
I have to confess that I have a terrible case of this “disease.”
It’s incurable, but there are two keys to managing it:
Silence, i.e., minding one’s own business and keeping these thoughts to oneself.
Patience, i.e., recognizing that lousy grammar is on the march. When you hear a TV sports commentator describing an errant golf shot with, “That ball could have went anywhere,” respond with a smile rather than an incapacitating stroke or seizure.
From a reader:
Back in the day, there used to be the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and FCC (Federal Communications Commission) who policed such things as false advertising. When was the last time you even heard about those groups, much less viewed or received any warning? Exactly. Just like thee and me, they are overwhelmed by a barrage of such BS and complaints. So, as usual, the responsibility rests on us. Cover thy hindquarters, do your own research, and make the best decisions you can based on the data you have… regardless of the hype.
Like so many other elements of our society, the bad guys have overwhelmed governmental efforts to keep us safe from them. I see this in the cleantech space constantly, e.g., products that are essentially perpetual motion or something similar that either violate the laws of physics or grossly overstate their capabilities.
These people should be in prison, but the justice system is inadequate to make that happen.
On the other hand, Trump is still, at least as of this date, a free man too. It’s possible that his lawyers and the Supreme Court will delay justice indefinitely.
These are disgusting human beings selling terrible, low-nutrition food. My advice: Stay away.
It would be interesting to know what’s behind the sticker like the one on this guy’s truck. Obviously, America suffers its share of anti-woke, pro-Trump sentiment, which could be self-organizing.
Yet, needless to say, Big Oil may lie at the bottom of all this.
In any case, it requires some heavy-duty ignorance to be unaware that the world of energy and transportation is in the process of phasing out fossil fuels in favor of electricity.
Two comments and my response:
Reader #1: Keystone pipeline was Canadian oil, sent through our breadbasket and getting sold to China. It was all risk and no benefit to the country. Even the jobs it would have provided were minimal. About 2500 jobs for 2-3 years and then only about 36 jobs once it’s built. The US produces plenty of oil. Our reserves were enough to flood the market, drop the price of oil and buy it back cheaper with money that was made. There are over 2000 permits to drill the oil companies have yet to use. The idea that we need more oil is just not true. We have and have been producing more oil than ever.
Me: Exactly right.
One would have thought that what the president of the United Auto Workers said here was so obvious that it was hardly worth mentioning. Yet a surprising number of the working class under Trump had turned to the Republicans, presumedly on the basis that the GOP was not “woke,” and it was important for these folks to “own the libs.”
But that doesn’t seem to be holding in place at this point. Labor unions are on the rise, their members want to elect a U.S. president who honestly and vigorously stands behind them.
I was listening to an excerpt of a speech Trump gave the other day, which theme was that Kamala Harris is not too smart. What stood out to me was that the audience was almost completely silent.
It was only recently that his support base would go bananas when their hero made derogatory comments about his opponents–especially black women. Is it possible that the bloom is off the rose here, i.e., that these morons have simply heard enough of this hateful garbage?
Since 2GreenEnergy was launched in 2009, we’ve had approximately 1100 blog posts, i.e., those written by other people. As long as the content doesn’t promote gambling, illicit drugs, or porn, and could be considered to be generally helpful to our readers, I’m fine.
As shown below, however, there is another exception: promoting energy solutions that are designed to ruin the planet.
From a PR agent from Pheasant Energy, Texas-based oil and gas concern: I will be happy to know what’s the fee for a new guest post.
My response: We don’t promote fossil fuels for any price, and neither should you.
As shown at left, there are nations whose policies towards education are such that young people are actually encouraged to graduate from college. Voters in these countries believe that their societies will be better and stronger if their citizens spend four years reading the world’s most important books, learning to write well, coming to understand science, and asking themselves the great questions that have been troubling humankind since we lived in caves.
The truth about the Unites States, and this is the case in so many areas of human endeavor here, we simply don’t care. Whether it’s education, climate change mitigation, women’s rights, gun laws, or the disintegration of rule of law, our leaders are leading us nowhere.
Or, more directly, you should be angry if your own Social Security benefits are cut, since you’ve paid into it since you were 15 years old, and now you’re 60+, and it’s your time in life to enjoy the pay-outs from the program.
Lots of us object to the idea that some Republican administration will ultimately succeed in privatizing it, ultimately lowering our benefits.