From Senior Energy Analyst Glenn Doty:
It’s worth remembering that when you vote for the president, you’re voting for something like 1500 people that they bring with them.
Honest people surround themselves with honest people. Biden himself may be far from the perfect candidate, but he has a good cabinet and a good team.
Trump is a liar, a rapist, a racist, a misogynist, a felon, and a thoroughly corrupt fascist asshole. He surrounds himself with criminals and white supremacist scum that want to dismantle basic democracy.
I hate that this is our choice. But it’s still an easy one. Biden has a good heart, and a good staff. The US is moving forward. Under Trump we had the greatest health catastrophe in over a century, the greatest economics crash ever, and the greatest loss of standing in the world that we’ve ever had.
I’ll stick with the competent staff moving things forward rather than the fascist scum trying to dismantle democracy and steal everything that isn’t nailed down.
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Perhaps it’s because I’m in the business of writing material on electric transportation, or that I’m a natural extrovert (or some combination of the two), but whenever I have an easy opening to ask an EV driver about his level of satisfaction with his car, e.g., a shared parking lot, I take advantage of that opportunity.

More than fifteen years later, I can’t imagine how many drivers of Nissan Leafs, Teslas, and the rest share how happy they are with their cars.  I would say that at least 95% are ecstatic.

Some Fox station claims to have “data” to the contrary.  I’d love to see it.



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In his statements to his supporters, Trump has no issue with insulting the living hell out of their intelligence.  Here’s a great example, where he claims that the absence of sunlight at night eliminates the feasibility of using electricity for aircraft.

The world’s engineers are unaware that the sun sets?  No one’s ever heard of batteries?  That’s a pretty low estimation of your audience’s capacity to think.

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Just came across this cartoon, which echoes the thoughts in my recent post “Are There Really Any “Independent Voters?” about those who may be sitting on the fence in the upcoming election.  I quoted the old joke:

To be on the fence in this case is like being asked to choose between two dishes on a cross-country flight, chicken, or a plate of dogs**t, infused with shards of broken glass, and then to ask how the chicken is prepared.


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Sorry, but I disagree with the author of the meme here.

In just a few minutes out of an hour and a half on stage, Biden proved to the world that he’s incapable of beating Trump in November.  Standing behind Biden at this point means that the democracy of the United States will, in January of 2025, fall to authoritarianism, and that the far right causes like abortion bans, Christianity in our schools, and “drill baby drill” will prevail.

Yes, all the features of the debate, especially like the absence of fact-checking, weighed in favor of Trump.  90 minutes of lies went straight through into the minds of 60 million semiliterate American viewers.  Now, the Democratic party needs to pick of the pieces, select a senator or representative who is mentally coherent, and move on.

As some intelligent person said today, “Let’s be grateful that this debacle happened in June and not October.”


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I wonder if environmental collapse, including climate change, could be considered “human aggression.”

That may sound like a silly idea, but consider for a moment that as you’re reading this, many of the world’s most powerful people are making conscious decisions to enrich themselves even further by embracing a business strategy that calls for extracting and combusting fossil fuels in perpetuity, driving up global temperatures.

I’m sure that by the word “aggression,” Hawking was referring to nuclear weaponry, but a baking planet may be just as effective in wiping out huge swaths of the world population, via starvation, disease, loss of land mass, etc.


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I wouldn’t say that calling Trump a “whiner” because he refused to accept the result of the 2020 presidential election is exactly “tearing into” the former president.  Anyone can challenge the tallying of votes.

What Trump did was conspire to overthrow the U.S. federal government by attempting to illegally overturn the election results, after all the legal remedies had been exhausted.

That’s treason.  That’s what used to wind up in a hanging.

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In my last phone call with my mother she asked if I was going to watch the debate.  When I told her no, she was incredulous.  “Don’t you want to know about the character of the two men who are vying for control over the highest office in the land?”

I explained that every day of every year is another episode in the sickening melodrama that is Donald Trump with more revealed about his cruelty, dishonesty and criminality.  What can possibly be learned in a 90-minute debate that is unavailable the other 364 days of the year?

But by the time we said goodbye, Mom had made me promise that I would tune it in.

I’ll need a drink; I can tell you that. I’m prepared to light into that martini like a hungry bear lights into a salmon after a long hibernation.

The idea that this country is considering re-electing one of the worst human beings who’s ever walked the Earth is nauseating.  I feel sorry for recovering alcoholics who will have to sit through this sober.

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It’s amazing that the population of Florida isn’t falling off a cliff, as its leadership continues to ratchet up the cruelty on its poor.

Apparently very few people are willing to go through the cost and hassle of selling their houses, packing their belongings, and getting as far away from this hate and ignorance as they possibly can, but I personally would be extremely uncomfortable surrounded on all sides by the ignorance and hateful politics of the Sunshine State.

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Do “they want no water?”

Well, who’s “they,” and has anyone listening to this rant ever experienced what Trump is describing?

I know the former president has a significant support base, but isn’t there a limit past which it loses its appetitive for this type of insanity?


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