From Proud Democrats: Europe hits back hard against MAGA oligarch Elon Musk for meddling in their politics as Tesla sales plummet dramatically in January by a staggering 45%. And it gets even better… Musk has enraged many Europeans by supporting …
Electric Vehicles
From Proud Democrats: Europe hits back hard against MAGA oligarch Elon Musk for meddling in their politics as Tesla sales plummet dramatically in January by a staggering 45%. And it gets even better… Musk has enraged many Europeans by supporting …
The man with the sign here is my friend Paul Scott, co-founder of Plug-In America way back in 2005. FWIW, Paul overbuilt the solar PV array on his roof specifically to charge his car; he hasn’t used a drop of …
It looks like there has been a transition from: Tesla owners affixing bumper stickers that read: “I bought this car before I realized that Elon Musk is a terrible person.” to: An international boycott against Tesla.
Though 92% of EV drivers would not consider going back to internal combustion engines, one finds frustrated people from time to time.
I had the opportunity to meet a fellow from Norway the other day who confirmed the unbelievable scale of EV adoption in his country. Out of curiosity, I asked where in the country he lives. He named the town, but …
It’s impossible to know who or what is behind the constant flow of disinformation on electric transportation, e.g., the graphic at left. Big Oil? QAnon? Other right-wing, anti-environmentalist groups? In any case, I have a friend who’s been telling me …
Readers who wish to learn more about the workings of electric motors will enjoy this video, which explores the idea of an electric V8 engine. Its creator asks: “Is an electric V8 engine a good idea?” The answer for someone …
Here’s an article on the use of EVs as a tool to power our homes and/or send electricity back to the grid. My comments are in italics. A study by Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute shows how electric vehicles (EVs) could double …
The reader who submitted the mere here writes: If you want EVs just do it. If you want to drive gas/diesel vehicles do it as well. Let’s not try to make everyone conform to our way of life. If electric …
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