EV World’s Bill Moore writes, ” It was inevitable, I suppose, but the Q-Anon crowd is now spreading the latest wacko conspiracy that the reason the Biden Administration is pushing for the shift to electric cars is so the government …
Electric Vehicles
EV World’s Bill Moore writes, ” It was inevitable, I suppose, but the Q-Anon crowd is now spreading the latest wacko conspiracy that the reason the Biden Administration is pushing for the shift to electric cars is so the government …
Have these people at LIFT Aircraft really raised $3.2 million?? From what class of moron? Of all their outrageous claims, here’s my favorite: “No pilot training/license or previous experience required, just a 30-minute virtual reality session.”
We often see claims that a certain EV is equipped with solar panels and thus never needs to be charged from external sources. Yet when we do the math we can see instantly that such a car would be extremely …
A reader notes: What confuses me is why right wing media so hates electric vehicles. EVs are a part of the environmental movement. As we electrify our transportation and energy sectors, and replace fossil fuels with low-carbon sources of energy, …
Rachel Konrad (pictured), Elon Musk’s original communications tsar, makes this comment on the traditional auto industry’s current attempts to dethrone Tesla: “If VW and Toyota “spend billions in a bid to catch up with Tesla,” AWESOME! That means they won’t …
Here’s a start-up that is raising investment capital to build one-person helicopters using technology heretofore confined to drones. Pilots won’t require a license, just a one-hour training course, on the ground using a flight simulator. At that point, they’re free …
It’s been a while since we discussed the life cycle analysis associated with EVs vs. gas- and diesel-powered vehicles. Here’s something from Cleantechnica that cites a major study from Yale University on the subject. I don’t wish to give away …
Measuring EV Emissions and Other Components of Environmental Damage Read More »
One of the most repugnant aspects of American culture is our notorious butchering of the English language. For whatever reason, the error that cheeses me off most is the misuse of the word “literally,” as in “The Vikings are literally …
Rightfully, there is consternation regarding the recycling of old EV batteries. Here’s the story of a company that assembled a sizeable array of them, and uses them to store power from their solar PV farm. (Scroll down to see a …
For more than 30 years, Dean Taylor has been working in the EV industry–from the utility side of the equation. In the interview, he addresses questions that include “Can the grid handle the complete electrification of our transportation?” An important …
Can the Electric Utilities Deal with the EV Revolution? Read More »