The EPA confirmed that the range of the new Tesla Model S is indeed 370 miles. Sounds like the end of range anxiety; I don’t know anyone who wants to drive farther than that in a single day.
Electric Vehicles
The EPA confirmed that the range of the new Tesla Model S is indeed 370 miles. Sounds like the end of range anxiety; I don’t know anyone who wants to drive farther than that in a single day.
I am such a sucker for these time-lapse graphics! They make me feel like I own a racehorse that’s miraculously made its way to the Kentucky Derby; it didn’t break out of the gate well, but it’s closing like gangbusters …
There is a case to be made that autonomous driving will greatly reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Though many of us wish we were able to eliminate the fossil consumption, as opposed to the driver, we shouldn’t look …
Will Advanced Thinking in Traffic Intersections Reduce Our Carbon Footprint Read More »
Here’s an interesting article on the petrochemicals that we use to light-weight our vehicles — electric and otherwise. While there is plenty of interesting information here, I’m not sure what to conclude.
It’s common for Americans traveling abroad to return home wondering why the U.S. has no high-speed rail. At 300 MPH, a trip from Los Angeles to the East Coast would take less than eight restful hours, free of turbulence, without …
Why High-Speed Rail Won’t Happen in the United States Read More »
Maybe there’s a lesson here. People don’t want environmentally friendly solutions that suck. The Smart Car has done terribly in comparison to other high MGP cars, and is going away. It’s priced the same as the Nissan Sentra — a perfectly …
Question: What percentage of all cars sold in Norway last year were battery-electric? Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.
A battery’s gravimetric energy and power densities (the amount of energy and power per unit of weight) are of zero concern when it’s stationary, but when they roll around on the planet’s surface, and in the drive-train for EVs, that …
Audi’s TV commercial promoting its new electric SUV “E-Tron” that aired during the Super Bowl (“Maybe Electric Isn’t for You”) drew mixed reviews. First, it repeats what EV opponents say to dissuade prospective buyers (limited range, doesn’t handle cold weather …