Here’s a conversation with some readers: Reader A: Musk’s behavior and comments are among the reasons I will not ever buy a Tesla. Reader B: I have heard a lot of people say this, and I know people who canceled …
Electric Vehicles
Needless to say, I’m not too impressed by the author of the meme here. Unless you completely reject science, you understand that our consumption of fossil fuels is causing global warming, ocean acidification, the loss of biodiversity, and a variety …
Gerald Maynard, who submitted the meme at left, apparently has a “thing” for spreading disinformation. Not exactly a virtue, I would submit. The average retail electricity price in the U.S. is $0.11/kWh, so a full charge of Tesla’s largest battery …
Over the years, I’ve commented on attempts to raise investment capital via business plans that are strong on identifying a problem, but are extremely weak on offering a reasonable solution. Here’s a great example, whose founders claim to have an …
As the world transitions from gasoline and diesel to EVs, we can expect to see propaganda designed to impede this process.
David Radzieta notes: My LEAF turned 12 years old this month. The battery was replaced 8.5 years ago under warranty with a 24kwh Lizard battery. Still running at 85% battery capacity. If your family has multiple cars and you can …
Most American consumers are at least somewhat concerned about the fuel economy that their cars provide, though, of course, many of these folks’ interest in the subject is rooted in how much they’re paying at the pump. Personally, I have …
A company called Zero Labs is looking for investment dollars, claiming to be the world’s first platform for the scalable electrification of existing vehicles, aka EV conversions. They write: We’re on a mission to electrify millions of existing combustion engine …
No, there are several investment scams in the U.S. offered by companies who claim this to be the future of transportation. Sounds great, doesn’t it? No pilot’s license required! All that’s required to enter this fraudulent enterprise is a graphic …
Fabulous work here.