When a friend sent me a link to his concept for a solar-powered car, I thought immediately of all the ideas I’ve come across that are built on the misunderstanding that electric motors with horsepower ratings that enable open-road driving …
Electric Vehicles
When a friend sent me a link to his concept for a solar-powered car, I thought immediately of all the ideas I’ve come across that are built on the misunderstanding that electric motors with horsepower ratings that enable open-road driving …
Re: the ad here, I wrote, “We need a new internal combustion engine like we need faster biplanes. What type of moron buys into this?” Reader Andrew Dean replies: “Literally everyone smart enough to know that electric cars are NOT …
Should You Invest in a New Internal Combustion Engine? Read More »
Here’s another entrant into the low-speed EV market, called the Microlino. Looks sharp, but one wonders: what’s the market demand for this style of transportation? I remember with great fondness the years between 2005 and perhaps 2015 when start-ups all …
As you watch this video on a new design for the future of transportation, ask yourself if this is something that could conceivably meet the needs of our descendants. I can’t tell you what the future looks like, but I’m …
Not sure where you’re going to sell this. Can’t go on freeways. Driver’s cramped and terrified.
Here’s a fabulous article, in which senior transportation analyst Paul Gipe speculates as to what is going so incredibly wrong inside Toyota. I’ve often wondered about many of the points Gipe brings up here. A decade ago, I theorized that …
Why Is Toyota Floundering in Electric Transportation? Read More »
Here’s a manufacturer of low-speed electric vehicles (LSEVs), Eli ZERO, who’s showing its product at an event in Spain. They write: “our new distributor is showcasing the vehicle and gauging the market’s response.” Sorry, but the world is already completely …
As our educational system continues to fall into an abyss, more and more Americans lack a basic understanding of science, and thus accept ideas like this as perfectly feasible. Where does the energy come from? The roots of the plants …
Kathi Horton sent the meme here and adds, “Yet another reason not to go EV at this point – they really haven’t thought through all the impacts of this technology.” Actually, “they” have a pretty good grasp on this, but …