My wife and I are with some friends in the Balkans just now, which, of course, positions me well to look for blog post material in this wondrous place, one I’d never visited.
My wife and I are with some friends in the Balkans just now, which, of course, positions me well to look for blog post material in this wondrous place, one I’d never visited.
If you’re tiring of my posts on asinine/fraudulent renewable energy concepts, skip this one. Contrast this water wheel concept in hydrokinetics against the photo above and see if you can see any difference. I love inventors who use terms like kilowatts per …
Does run-of-river hydro have the potential to make a contribution to our energy mix? Yes, in parts of the world that have incredible hydro resources that are hard to service with competitive technologies. By “incredible,” I mean strong, nearby rivers that …
Here are excerpts from the article linked below that attempts to answer the question posed above. After each, I’ll add my own comments. Article: Why has wave power lagged behind other renewable energy sources?
Here’s a concept in ocean wave energy that is explained in a short video. Here’s the problem these guys are going to run into: they share a widely held misunderstanding that water in waves moves in the direction of the …
Here’s an ocean wave power device that captures energy from the relative motion of their two arms as the wave passes them. According to the company that developed the product, Crestwing, they plan to sell it to energy production companies …
Hydrokinetics Ideas Everywhere, But Do They Hold Water? Read More »
Here’s a micro-hydrokinetic device, sold to campers who wish to charge their cell phones. Problem: it’s heavier, more cumbersome to set up, far more expensive than the equivalent piece of solar PV or a hand crank, and requires running water …
As suggested here, installing turbines into large city pipes that transport water via the flow of gravity is a solid idea underneath the broad heading of hydrokinetics. Of course, there are caveats:
The video below presents a device to capture energy in ocean waves that consists of a tube under the water, open at both ends, and using the water that oscillates back and forth inside the tube to drive a turbine.