This summer’s hot and sunny days enabled Europe to set a new record for the output of solar PV. In particular, the spike in output in the UK allowed solar to take over from gas as the number-one energy source …
This summer’s hot and sunny days enabled Europe to set a new record for the output of solar PV. In particular, the spike in output in the UK allowed solar to take over from gas as the number-one energy source …
Here’s a video of the project you see here, a double-axis tracking solar PV device that retracts (partially folds up) at night. It sells for about $27,000 plus installation plus God-only-knows how much maintenance, making it a fabulous product for anyone …
Here’s an article pointing out: We can argue all we want and a solar power revolution will still happen. This, of course, is completely true.
Here’s a job opening for someone with the training in physics, engineering and computer science that are required to model the effectiveness of solar PV panels that float on water.
Installing solar panels in your home can be a tricky process. Not to mention the fact that there aren’t a whole lot of people out there with experience on the topic since these panels are a relatively new phenomenon. Before …
I thought the TEDx people had processes in place to weed out preposterous ideas in their talks, but apparently I’m wrong.
Solar energy isn’t a new source of power. In fact, its history dates back to 1876. A teacher and student realized that selenium produced electricity when exposed to sunlight. They realized they could harness that power for all kinds of …
After changing the way we drive cars, South African-born American Elon Musk is trying his best to change the way we approach solar energy.
Depending on my mood, I can regard technoBS with either anger or amusement. This one happened to strike me funny; it’s an effort to sell solar panels for use in off-grid areas of the desert, as if there is anything …
Solar power is one of our most promising renewable energy resources, as it is one of our most ubiquitous. Countries like China and Japan have been leading the way , with the former exceeding its 2020 solar panel installations targets …
From Guest Blogger Siva Thangarajah: Is It Possible to Power the World with Solar? Read More »