A reader asked me if I had tried Xfinity (Comcast) mobile. I wrote: I did. It was horrendous. He responded, Really. I am trying to get my bill down and assumed since they use Verizon towers it would be good. …
Just getting back from Hawaii, visiting my aging mom. She asked me to run her by Home Depot to pick up a few succulents and some potting soil, which I didn’t mind doing even though I personally don’t spend a …
As reported by none other than Fox News, a group of prominent conservatives has published a 69-page report to the effect that the 2020 presidential election was “lost, not stolen.” It begins: As part of his post-election attempts to retain the …
Fox News: Prominent Conservatives Report Election Lost, Not Stolen Read More »
An old friend writes: This sign is at a fuel station in Greece. Those prices are Euros per liter; you do the math. Then stop complaining about fuel prices in the U.S. and, absolutely positively, stop blaming high fuel prices …
These folks are trying to petition the UK government to invest in renewable energy. Seems like a great idea; they’re getting my signature.
Life isn’t pleasant for any prison inmates, but it’s rumored to be particularly ugly (and short) for those whose crimes violate the ethical mores of the common felons. If you killed your wife because she was unfaithful, or even disrespectful, …
Jailed Oath Keeper Says Fellow Inmates Throw Feces at Him Read More »
What this guy said. Everyone should boycott stores with cultural views from hell, and Home Depot is at the top of my list.
Here, are two readers’ comments on the meme here; my responses are beneath each. Scott Kozel: Socialism killed over 100 million people in Europe in the 20th Century. What happened in the USSR and other countries was horrible, but it …
The recent rise of organized labor is a bright spot in America’s otherwise dismal workplace environment. Sadly, not much has changed over the last 100 years, including threats against the courageous union organizers.