Electricity bills can be expensive, hence expensive to sort out. Your electricity bill may be getting out of control, but you’re not sure of what to do. To save money and reduce your electric bills, here are some handy tips …
Electricity bills can be expensive, hence expensive to sort out. Your electricity bill may be getting out of control, but you’re not sure of what to do. To save money and reduce your electric bills, here are some handy tips …
The author of the meme here would have a valid point if: Our life expectancy were 35 years, and A college education conferred no other value than income/wealth.
I wrote a post recently on how conservatives hate California, and tend to represent it as a dystopia that has come about from decades of socialist policies and general mismanagement, In response, a reader notes:
As someone who’s lived in California for more than 40 years, I never cease to be amazed at how aggressively conservatives hate this state–a deep obsession that goes far past Donald Trump’s revulsion for the state. Republicans tend to represent …
Politically, one thinks of farmers as Republicans: God-fearing, no nonsense, rugged individualists. Yet, Trump’s economic decisions, while they were excellent for the ultra-rich, were catastrophic for others, especially those whose financial conditions rise or fall dramatically according to seemingly small …
Here’s Ike Eisenhower defending his 90% top tax rate on corporations, at the same time the top rate on individuals was 70%. Nowadays we’re being told that “real Americans” need to oppose the idea of taxing the rich, as it’s …
It is easy to understand that conservatives want to imbue our kids with their values, and, even though I don’t share those values, I don’t have a huge problem with that. What I find objectionable about Mike Huckabee’s “Kids (sic) …
Do We Have To Inflict Political Lies on Our Children? Read More »
Perhaps 112 years ago, what Teddy Roosevelt wanted so desperately for our nation actually could have been accomplished, though it certainly seems out of reach now. What we can do, which will win back some of the control we’ve lost …
It’s been a few years since I was a guest on Judith West’s TV show, “Getting Your Money’s Worth” — see below. The PR firm I hired tried to get me on as many television and radio programs as possible, …